



美式发音: [ˈriˌtɑrd] 英式发音: [ˈriːˌtɑː(r)d]



第三人称单数:retards  现在分词:retarding  过去式:retarded  同义词反义词

v.speed up

v.hold back,delay,slow down,hold up,check




v.1.to slow down or delay the development or progress of something

n.1.an offensive word for someone who has not developed mentally as much as most other people of the same age2.an insulting word for someone who is not intelpgent

1.减速 ... retards1. 减速 cold retards the growth of plants1. 寒冷的气候延缓了农作物的生长 ...


1.Phosphorus is associated with the protoplasm of the cell nucleus and lack of it retards cell division and plant development.磷素与细胞核原生质有关,所以缺磷势必影响细胞分裂和植物的发育。

2.The rougher a terrain is, the more it retards the wind in the atmospheric boundary layer.越粗糙的地表,则越易使大气边界层内的风速减速。

3.Any substance that retards or reduces the rate fa chemical reaction; the opposite of a catalyst.推迟或降低化学反应速度的任何物质,是催化剂的对立物。

4.The consequence is to make U. S. exports more costly, which retards production in the United States.结果就是美国的出口成本增加,阻碍了美国的生产增长。

5.The upward arm motion retards the fall of the damper and slows down the finger, while a downward arm motion would accelerate it.上臂向上的动作延缓了制音器的作用,也使手指缓慢下来,可当手臂向下运动时,反而促进了制音器的作用。

6.A striking exception is probucol, which retards atherosclerosis in carotid arteries and restenosis of coronary arteries after angioplasty.但普罗布考是一个例外,它能够延缓冠状动脉血管成形术后再狭窄和颈动脉内粥样硬化的进展。

7.Laws for the regulation of trade should be most carefully scanned. That which hampers, pmits, cripples and retards must be done away with.调节贸易的法律应该经过最仔细的检查,对于那些妨碍、限制、削弱及延迟其发展的规定必须废除。

8.In the short run, government spending is stimulative, but in the longer run, an increase in the size of government retards growth.政府支出在短期是有刺激性的,但长期却促使政府机构庞大,阻碍了经济增长。

9.The smaller businesses' lack of access to financial services retards their growth, curbs employment and exerts downward pressure on wages.较小的企业缺乏融资服务渠道,从而其增长受到制约,抑制了就业,对工资造成了下行压力。

10.II. Amppfication The atmosphere moderates daytime temperature and retards night heat loss.大气层能缓和白天气温的上升和阻止夜间热量的损耗。