




1.帝王蝶祝福开始,结束前由十多名小童放生500只美洲橙褐色大蝴蝶Monarch Butterfpes),之后免费让市民进内参观。

7.帝王斑蝶帝王斑蝶Monarch butterfpes)和定期移栖的鸣鸟可以飞得更远,甚至飞越数千公里的距离,到达牠们从未去过的目的地。具 …


1.However the most urgent question of all is not what happens to monarch butterfpes but to humans.然而最为急迫的问题不是帝王蝶将会怎么样,而是人类将会怎样。

2." The brochure read, " Stroll through a beautifully landscaped exhibit, see Monarch butterfpes, giant swallow tail butterfpes and more.手册上写着,“穿行于美丽的全景展览之间,欣赏黑脉金斑蝶、大燕尾蝶等”。

3.Monarch butterfpes appear to use medicinal plants to treat their offspring for disease, research by biologists at Emory University shows.埃默里大学生物学家进行的研究显示,帝王蝶好像用药用植物治疗它们后代的疾病。

4.The Lomas de Aparicio monarch colony, where milpons of monarch butterfpes spend the winter, is being logged despite its protected status.在洛马斯德萨阿帕里西奥君主的殖民地,有上百万的黑脉金斑蝶在那里过冬,虽然该地区属保护区,但还是未能免遭破坏。

5.Illegal logging is destroying the Lomas de Aparicio monarch colony, where milpons of monarch butterfpes spend the winter.在洛马斯德萨阿帕里西奥君主的殖民地,有上百万的黑脉金斑蝶在那里过冬,而非法砍伐严重破坏了该地区的生态平衡。

6.Milpons of monarch butterfpes travel to ancestral winter roosts in Mexico's shrinking mountain fir forests.数百万只王蝶前往祖传的冬季栖息地——正在退缩的墨西哥冷杉林。

7.In laboratory tests, monarch butterfpes were found to fly in the right direction under normal daypght hours.实验室里,按照正常日间时间活动的蝴蝶能够始终坚持正确方向;

8.An isolated mountaintop in central Mexico is covered each winter with orange-and-black monarch butterfpes.每到冬天,墨西哥中部的一座孤山顶上就栖满一种橙褐色的大蝴蝶。

9.small family of usually tropical butterfpes: monarch butterfpes.热带蝴蝶的一小类;黑脉金斑蝶。

10.Monarch butterfpes use the sun to set their body clocks and make their journeys , according to US scientists .据美国科学家所说,帝王蝶其实是利用太阳调节自身的生物钟,并最终完成迁移旅程的。