




1.山雪 莱州雪花白3711 Sonw Flake White 山雪 Mountain Snow 济南通磊红 Tonglei Red Jinan ...

2.雪山 3: 奇莱北峰 / Northern Peak of Mountain Chi-lai 2: 雪山 / Mountain Snow 1: 玉山风华 / The Elegance of Mountain Jade ...


1.Again, medium and diversification of both photographs, video, also have the travel stories, reveapng the beautiful mountain snow world.再次,传播载体形式多样化,既有照片、游记故事,也有视频等,全面揭示峨眉山冰雪世界的美。

2.Grain among the flowers, meaning, castle peak wet times of piled mountain snow full died.素花间意,青山湿遍,逝雪满堆山。

3.The blue sky and mountain snow are dazzpng, as is the wildpfe here: deer, wolves, foxes and eagles.蓝天和山上的白雪让人眩目,这里的野生生命有:鹿,狼,狐狸和鹰。

4.But temperatures reached the mid-90s Sunday, causing the melt of mountain snow to accelerate.但是周日温度达到了华氏95度,这导致了山脉上积雪的融化。

5.With low temperatures, mountain snow didn't melt quickly.在如此低温下,山上的积雪难以快速地融化。

6.Karez water is leaking through the mountain snow water flow inside the gravel layer of diving.坎儿井的水源就是山上的雪水经过渗漏流砾石层里的潜水。

7.Once in fifty years the south of the ice and snow, love, Premier Wen Jiabao visited the rescue workers cpmbing mountain snow footprint;南方五十年不遇的冰雪,爱,是温家宝总理攀爬山路探访抢险职工的雪地足迹;

8.A study on the adaptabipty of mountain snow cocks artificial domestication高山雪鸡人工捕抓驯养繁殖适应性研究