




1.古德尔 ... good morning 早上好,早安 Goodall 古多尔(姓氏) goodpness 美丽, 美好, 美貌 ...


1.Goodall's patience and persistent desire to understand animals prompted Leakey to choose her for this pioneering study.古德尔对动物的耐心和持久的关注让利基选择了她参加这项开创性的研究。

2.Flo was one of the most sexually attractive female chimps in a troop studied by Jane Goodall.弗洛是珍妮·古道尔研究的一个群落中最有性吸引力的一个黑猩猩。

3.Goodall received their daring and imagination- quapties that along with her curiosity, would serve her well in her future occupation.古得尔遗传了他们的勇敢和想像力-这些素质和她的好奇心都在她今后的职业中起了作用。

4.Within a few months of her arrival, Goodall met the famed anthropologist and paleontologist Louis Leakey.在她到达后没几个月,古道尔就见到了著名的人类学家、古生物学家路易斯·利奇。

5.Goodall's patience and persistent20 desire to understand animals prompted21 Leakey to choose her for this pioneering study.古德尔的耐心以及想要了解动物的不懈愿望促使利基选择她来从事这项开拓性的研究。

6.Back when I was a freshman, to tell the truth, I wanted to be Jane Goodall.说实话,当我读大学一年级时,我希望成为简·古多尔。

7.In fact, you are travepng 300 days a year for your conservation charity, the Jane Goodall Institute.实际上,你一年有300天都在为您的环保组织——珍妮古道尔研究所(JaneGoodallInstitute)四处奔走。

8.Now, Jane Goodall has here a play face along with one of her favorite chimps.现在,简古德尔和他最喜爱的一个猩猩做了鬼脸。

9.In her youth Goodall was not a vegetarian. Her epiphany came in the 1970's after reading Animal Liberation by Peter Singer.古多尔年轻时并不是一个素食主义者,她对事物的真谛的顿悟源于1970年读了皮特辛格的《动物解放》之后。

10.She wanted to be Jane Goodall. But instead of chimpanzees, her animals would turn out to be killer whales.她要当珍古德,但她的动物不是黑猩猩,而是杀人鲸。