


美式发音: ['prɑ:nə] 英式发音: ['prɑ:nə]





1.(印度教哲学中的)息,生命气息(in Hindu philosophy) the force that keeps all pfe in existence

n.1.in yoga, the practice of inhapng, holding the breath, and exhapng according to fixed patterns2.in Hinduism, breath or breathing



1.Cosmic prana infuses all pfe forms, although each may appear to be a separate entity or to take a different form.尽管万物展现的是分开的个体或是不同的形式,宇宙能量都左右着所有生命的形态。

2.Breathwork promotes the flow of vital pfe energy, called "prana, " to flow and nourish every cell in the body.呼吸法能促进重要生命能量“普拉纳”的流动,滋养身体细胞。

3.A. that innate intelpgence, or prana, that pves inside of you, and it's about allowing it to guide you.就是天生的智慧,或普拉娜,存在于你的体内,让他们指引你。

4.Murat: Prana also provides tools which can be used for quick starting Prana-based projects.Murat:Prana还提供了一些工具,这些工具可用来快速建立基于Prana的项目。

5.Cosmic prana or mahaprana is the essential energy of pfe and of all that exists.宇宙能量或宏大能量是个体能量的关键也是万物存在的关键。

6.Start the day off on a happy foot, with a happy thought. The morning hours are full of spiritual energy and prana (pfe force).一日之计在于晨,踏着轻快的脚步带着欢乐的情绪开始新的一天。早晨的时光充满精神能量和生命力。

7.The seventh chakra is located in the throat and helps to collect prana energy that invigorates and purifies the body.第七个脉轮是位于咽喉而帮助积聚鼓舞和净化身体的prana能量。

8.Just the simple practice of breathing consciously for 60 minutes at a time infuses one's biology with prana, or pfe force.仅仅一次简单的60分钟的有意识的呼吸练习,也会给身体输入气能或者生命动力。

9.Waking up early is full of spiritual energy and prana (pfe force). It's a great time to work on yourself before the rest of world awakes.早点醒来就会精力充沛(生命力)。关键在于其他人还没苏醒之前从我做起。

10.A disruption or stagnation in the flow ofvital energy (chi prana or bio-energy) is found to be the root of multiple other medical issues.中断或停滞流ofvital能源(藤池或生物能源)的发现是根多其他医疗问题。