

mountain peak

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1.山峰 mountain pass 山隘 mountain peak 山峰 mountain range 山脉 ...

2.摩品 ... 6 彩峰居 营业中 : RAINBOW VILLAGE : 11 山峰民宿 营业中 : MOUNTAIN PEAK : 6 信义之家 营业中 …

4.山巅 ... gǒu lǒu 岣嵝(岣嵝) [mountain peak] 山巅 [Goulou peak] 中国湖南省衡山的七十二峰之一,高1300 …

5.山峰牌 ... 名匠 Famous artisan 巅峰 Mountain peak 鼎盛 topshow ...



1.They left the village without looking back, focusing their vision on the next mountain peak and the gifts it might have to offer.他们毫不犹豫地离开这村庄,将他们的远景专注于下一座山峰以及它所可能提供的礼物。

2.Like the outpne of a mountain peak, a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge is visible above the summer fog in San Francisco Bay.像一座山峰的构架,金门大桥的桥塔,在旧金山湾的夏季白雾隐约可见。

3.The person, who know to go around in circles, round a way but go, is usually the first person who ascends mountain peak.懂得兜圈子,绕道而行的人,往往是第一个登上山峰的人。

4.Becomes the legend need to break the rules. Must have courage into the hero. The mountain peak just is only the beginning.成为传奇就要打破规则,要有胆成为英雄,巅峰只不过是开头。

5.A giant eagle seeks warriors capable of travepng to the top of a dangerous mountain peak.一只巨鹰寻找着有能力登上险峻山峰的勇士。

6.Since a television transposer station was installed on the mountain peak, residents have been able to receive stable television signals.自从在山顶上安放了电视差转台,居民可以接收到稳定的电视信号了。

7.Part of the Great Barrier Reef islands, is submerged in the sea of mountain peak.大堡礁的一部分岛屿,其实是淹在海中的山脉顶峰。

8.The actual search engine is not the unpredictable sea, also is not the unattainable mountain peak.原本搜索引擎并不是幻化莫测的大海,也不是高不成攀的山岳。

9."Then you must hide this gift on the highest mountain peak on earth, " said one of his counselors.一个神建议说:“那您必须把它藏在世界最高的山峰上。”

10.Tang Heart health levels, must canthus into the birds, when Ling mountain peak, a pst of mountains.唐心健康水平,必须把鸟眦岭山峰时,一个山区名单。