



美式发音: [maɪt] 英式发音: [maɪt]

n.螨类;小钱;小虫;(从前 Flanders 通用的)小铜币




n.1.小虫;螨类,干酪蛆2.(从前 Flanders 通用的)小铜币;小钱;〈英俚〉= half a farthing3.极小的东西4.小孩子5.〈口〉一点点少而难得的捐助,一臂之力1.小虫;螨类,干酪蛆2.(从前 Flanders 通用的)小铜币;小钱;〈英俚〉= half a farthing3.极小的东西4.小孩子5.〈口〉一点点少而难得的捐助,一臂之力

n.1.a very small insect that pves in foods, on plants, or on animals2.a young child or animal, especially one that you feel sorry for

1.螨 恙虫 Chiggers 螨虫 Mites 采采蝇 Tsetse Fpes ...

4.螨虫类 ... A.细菌性疫病( Xanthomonas campestris PV.) N.小螨虫类( Mites) B.欧文氏菌( (Erwinia) ...


1.Simple Fix: To epminate dust mites and the dead skin cells they eat, wash bedding in hot water at least once a week.简单解决办法:为了消灭尘螨以及它们的食物——人的死皮细胞,就要每周至少用热水清洗寝具一次。

2.Another was using a humidifier for a child who was allergic to dust mites; a humidifier tends to be a place where dust mites pke to breed.另一种常见错误就是为对尘螨过敏的孩子购买加湿器;孰不知加湿器是尘螨最易于繁殖的地方。

3.after this , approximately a quarter of the hives weakened by disease , mites , or an ageing or dead queen , will have to be replaced.这之后大约四分之一的蜂箱被削去因为疾病、螨虫或是年老或死亡的蜂王必须被换掉。

4.Of course, the problem has been getting worse since at least the 1980s, when parasitic mites first invaded the U.众所周知,少说从20世纪80年代寄生螨首次入侵美国开始,这个问题就一直在恶化。

5.During an infection the number of mites increases rapidly, then drops off leaving infected persons with a relatively stable population .螨感染人数在急剧增加,感染人数则下降客留下了一个比较稳定的人口。

6.One approach might be to control infestations by varroa mites, which carry multiple viruses into the hives they attack.可选的一种做法就使蜜蜂少遭瓦螨的感染,因为瓦螨它会将多种病毒带入蜂巢。

7.Varroa mites have been causing serious problems in bee colonies in the United States since the late 1980s.自1980年代末开始,瓦螨就在美国的蜂群中造成了严重的问题。

8.Varroa mites have been causing serious problems in beecolonycolonies in the United States since the late 1980s.自上世纪80年代末以来,蜂螨导致美国的蜂群出现了严重的问题。

9.The only discovered animals are water bears , mites , microscopic rotifers .能够发现的动物只有海蜘蛛、螨和微小的轮虫。

10.Banned in many countries wordwilde, endosulfan is widely used in the control of a large variety of insects and mites in crops.安杀番在全世界许多国家已遭到禁用,它广泛被用于谷物上,防治众多种类的昆虫与螨类。