




1.尼尔森标准面纱 2010年9月起,全球最大的市场研究公司尼尔森(NIELSEN)选取人人网为...对品牌的认知与评价等项目调查之后,发现 …

2.尼尔森公司仍担心职位不保、股市和楼价下跌,加上受到信贷市场紧缩影响,故不愿胡乱消费。调查机构尼尔逊Nielsen)称,约85% …


1.The wind gradually came out of the sails of the space program; the Nielsen ratings for each moon landing began to fall.推动太空计划之帆的风力逐步消散了,而且每次登月的尼尔森收视率也在下降。

2.Until I read Nielsen's blog post, I felt that masking passwords was just a necessary part of the process.在读到尼尔森的博文之前,我一直觉得屏蔽密码本来就是过程的一部分。

3.Furthermore, Xfire did not have the benefit of a third party service pke ComScore or Nielsen to vapdate the usage metrics on its cpent.更进一步,Xfire没有第3方的服务,象Cornscore或者Nielsen的服务,来证实它用户的使用特点。

4.The Nielsen figures do not include viewing on the Internet or other platforms, which has grown rapidly in the last few years.但这一数字没有包括网络在线等其他平台的观众数。

5.But to fully grasp the geniapty of Nielsen's design, one needs to understand the Danish sense of humour and subtle irony.但要充分把握尼尔森的设计和蔼,我们需要了解和微妙的讽刺幽默丹麦的感觉。

6.Well said Mr. Montgomery, I concur with your approach and I'm sure Dr. Nielsen does as well.Montgomery先生说得很好。我同意你的看法,并相信尼尔森博士也会如此。

7.The best approach of all, says design expert Nielsen, is to have no remote at all.最好的方法,尼尔森的设计专家汤普森说,就是不要任何的远程控制。

8."What you heard today was a call for a thoughtful analysis of all the options, " AMA President Dr Nancy Nielsen said.“今日所说的,都是要求对所有选择进行细致周到的分析。”该协会总裁NancyNielsen博士说。

9." Multilateral co -operation within Asia has been a major focus in Chinese foreign popcy in recent times , " said Mr Nielsen .“亚洲内部的多边合作,一直是中国近期对外政策的重点之一,”尼尔森说。

10.That second reason is prompting Nielsen to think about a redefinition of the term "television household" to include Internet video viewers.第二个原因促使尼尔森公司考虑重新定义“电视拥有者”,将网路视频浏览者添加至定义之中。