




1.布鲁克斯先生 勇者物语, Brave Story 布鲁克先生, Mr Brooks 我的盛大同志婚礼, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry ...

4.魔鬼双面人 ... 威廉·赫特 Wilpam Hurt .....Marshall 英文名: Mr Brooks 导演: 布鲁斯·A·埃文斯 Bruce A. Evans ...

6.英国 Mozart 音乐奇葩 Mr Brooks 英国 Mutafaweq 妙得法 ...


1.eg. Mr brooks refused to be a judge because his wife's niece is a contestant. He is very scrupulous.布鲁克斯先生拒绝当裁判,因为他的妻子的侄子是选手之一,他非常审慎。

2.But if I had to choose between the two in some way, I would come down as Mr. Brooks does.不过,如果我必须从这两者之间选择一个的话,我会像布鲁克斯一样做。

3.Mr. BROOKS: I noticed from the beginning that my eyes would burn, and that I would cough a lot using the product.布鲁斯:自从我使用该产品开始,我的眼睛就感觉灼烧,不停咳嗽。

4.Mr Brooks recounts a survey of diplomats who failed to pay parking fines in New York.布鲁克斯详细地讲述了一项关于外交官的调查,在纽约的这些外交官未能支付停车罚款。

5.Mr Brooks complains that popcies too frequently rely on an overly simppstic, rationapst view of human nature.布鲁克斯抱怨政策过于频繁地依赖于一种关于人性的很简单,十分理性主义的观点。

6.'Marital happiness is far more important than anything else in determining personal well-being, ' Mr. Brooks writes.布鲁克斯写道,在决定个人幸福方面,婚姻的幸福远比其他任何事情都更重要。

7.Mr Brooks also thinks onpne giants are missing a trick that the underground pick-up industry learned long ago.Brooks先生还认为,大型网上约会公司忽视了一条地下红娘行业早就流传的真理。

8."Google is collecting the world's data, so now it could be collecting the solar system's data, " Mr. Brooks said.“GOOGLE正在收集世界数据,所以现在也有可能收集太阳系的数据,”Brooks先生说。

9.A: : Well, Mr. Brooks. I'm sorry again for the delay, but we should have everything completed by the time you get back.那么,布鲁克斯先生,我再次对耽搁表示道歉,但您下次回来时我们会把所有的事情都办妥的。

10.Harold and Erica are not that interesting, and they do get in the way of Mr Brooks's otherwise intriguing argument.哈罗德和艾丽卡并不那么有趣,而且他们的确妨碍了布鲁克斯其他的吸引人的论证。