




1.李先生 Mrs 夫人 Mr Li 李先生 Miss Fang 方小姐 ...

2.李先生有较强的幽默感 7. 李先生有较强的幽默感Mr Li. 8. 你随时都可以来访。 You can come and visit me. ...

3.李女士 behind: 在...后面 Mr p李女士 is: 是 ...

4.黎先生·姓名:黎先生MR LI)·电话:020-84728312·手机:13602291826 13925018617

5.畅游车服畅游车服MR LI)风行车服(MR MENG)啸飞车服(MR DU)菠萝车服(MR WU)龙城车服(MR LIU)老友记车服(MR …


1.Mr. Fan is not here at the moment. Mr. Li might be able to help you.范先生现在不在,李先生大概可以帮你。

2.Lewis Booth, Ford's chief financial officer, is said to have taken a shine to Mr Li, seeing in him a real passion for the car business.福特首席财政官刘易斯布思非常赞赏李先生,在他身上看到对汽车产业真正的激情。

3.Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, the general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是的总经理,李先生。

4.He said he would seek Mr Li's extradition and did not know whether China's government was aware of the alleged scheme.他表示,他将会寻求引渡李方维,但不清楚中国政府是否了解这一据称的操作。

5.Just a minute, please. Oh, yes, Mr. Li, we've got your reservation. A city-view single room with bath. Would you please fill out this form?请稍等。是的,李先生。我们有您的预定,一个带浴室的单间。麻烦您填一下这张表。

6.If the person you want to speak to on the phone is not available, you can ask to leave a message: Can I leave a message for Mr Li, please?如果你在电话里找的人不在,你可以留个口信:CanIleaveamessageforMrLi,please?

7.Will Mr. Li be in the office this afternoon? I'm going to talk with him.李先生今天下午在办公室吗?我打算去找他谈话。

8.Mr. Li, the MediaExpress spokesman, said the company now has misgivings about how it psted in the U. S.高速频道李姓发言人说,该公司目前对自身在美上市的方式产生了疑虑。

9.Mr Li said he had no idea why he was being targeted by US prosecutors and questioned whether the US had the authority to indict him.李表示,他一点都不明白自己为什么成了美国检察官的目标,并质疑美国是否有权控告他。

10.Today we gather here to have a send-off meeting, as Mr Li, our good friend, is going to leave for his homeland tomorrow.今天我们聚集在这里开一个欢送会,因为我们的好朋友,李先生明天就要回国了。