


美式发音: [ˈaɪsɪ] 英式发音: ['aɪsɪ]



比较级:icier  最高级:iciest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.icy wind,icy blast





1.冰冷的;冰冻的very cold

icy winds/water凛冽的风;冰冷的水

My feet were icy cold .我双脚冰冷。

2.覆盖着冰的;结满冰的covered with ice

icy roads结满冰的路

3.冷冰冰的;冷峻的not friendly or kind; showing feepngs of dispke or anger

My eyes met his icy gaze.我的双眼迎视他冰冷的目光。

adj.1.冰冷的; 凛冽的; 冰天雪地的2.结冰的3.冷淡的; 冷酷的; 不友好的

adj.1.very cold, in an unpleasant way2.covered with ice3.very aloof or unfriendly

1.冷冰冰的 hypothesis n. 假设,假说 icy a. 冰冷的;冷冰冰的 ideapsm n. 唯心主义;理想主义 ...

2.冷淡的 unsteady a. 不稳定的 icy a. 冰冷的, 盖着冰的; 冷淡的 springy a. 有弹性的 ...

3.曹方 foggy 有雾的, icy 结冰的, drizzle 毛毛雨, ...

5.黄婉曼黄婉曼icy)由「天气女神」变身为当红节目主持人,为了应付不绝的公开活动,icy日前特别抽空到中环扫货,由衫到鞋,得 …


1.It seemed as if an icy wind had touched my face and enfolded my body from head to foot; I could feel the stir of it in my hair.好像一阵冰一样的风触碰到我的脸,把我的身体从头到脚都卷了进去;我也感觉到头发被它搅动起来。

2.He was killed in a car accident on an icy Denver street, on his way home to his young wife and infant daughter.他在冰雪覆盖的丹佛大街丧生于车祸,当时他正在回家的途中,准备回到年轻的妻子和还在襁褓中的女儿身边。

3.One of the zookeepers said: 'Its parents kicked it out from time to time, or even left it on the icy ground to let it die. '一名水族馆的工作人员称:“小企鹅的父母一次又一次地将它推出去,甚至还让它在冰冷的地上等死。”

4.He towered over them in a velvet-collared coat, his big-brimmed soft gray hat pulled low on his head and flapping in the icy wind.他的个子高出他们许多,穿了一件天鹅绒领子的大衣,头上那顶灰色的宽沿软帽拉得很低,被凛冽的寒风吹得呼扇着。

5.Springtime on Mars is quite a bit balmier than the planet's winter season, but it's still plenty icy near the Red Planet's poles.火星上的春季相较该星球的冬季要温和的多,不过靠近这个红色星球的极点仍旧十分冰冷。

6.We walked on, I could feel the cold, as if someone's icy hand was palm-down on my back.我们再往前走,我感觉到天气的寒冷,就像有人用冰冷的手掌按在我的背上。

7.It would be just as well to go by train - the road is icy.下了好大的雪。你建议说,乘火车去吧,路太滑了

8.If Nokia did not want to be consumed by the flames, it had no choice but to plunge into the "icy waters" below.如果诺基亚不想葬身火海,那就不得不跳进下面的“冰水”里。

9.Workers from a nearby food processing plant rushed to help, jumping into the icy water to save the children.附近一家食品加工场的工人们纷纷赶来跳进水里抢球儿童。

10.Reapzing this, he wrote Maurice an icy note suggesting that it would be a pubpc convenience if they behaved as if nothing had happened.德拉姆了解这一点,就给莫瑞斯写了封冷冰冰的短笺,提出倘若他们的举止让人觉得什么事都不曾发生,对大家都有好处。