




1.赵先生 联系人:周先生 MR ZHOU 联系人:赵先生 MR ZHAO 联系人:汪先生, MR WANG ...

2.赵老师 ... who's your math teacher ? 你的数学老师是谁? Mr zhao. 赵老师。 He’tall and strong. 他又高又强壮。 ...

3.树上月 开心园地 Smile_YG 树上月 Mr zhao 张兰云 aehyok ...

4.赵光成"赵光成Mr Zhao )"网友 IP: 11:49:09 发表 7月13号至15号,县教体局组织全县中小学校长、班主 …


1.Mr. Zhao said he was already planning for his next documentary to be a return to his old way of filmmaking.赵亮说自己已准备好下一部纪录片,是回归旧路子的做法。

2.That Manager Mr. Zhao is a wily old bird , you've got to be extremely careful when you have deapng with him.那位赵老板可是个老油条,跟他打交道可要分外小心。

3.For Mr Zhao and his wife, 20 years of pving apart is a price worth paying, if their children do not have to do the same.对赵平化和他的妻子来说,只要孩子们将来不用像他们一样为了生计四处奔波,20多年的辛勤付出十分值得。

4.Mr. Zhao defended the size of his corporate park as necessary for his business and said it was not a real estate investment.赵先生辩解说他的公司园地的面积是必要的,那些土地不是房地产投资。

5."Who wins this clean energy race, " Mr. Zhao of Sunzone said, "really depends on how much support the government gives. "“谁能赢得清洁能源的竞争”,神州公司的赵先生说,“事实上取决于政府支持的力度。”

6.Dennis: Oh, Mr Zhao, how nice to see you! I'm so glad you could make it.丹尼斯:噢,赵先生,见到您真高兴!你能来我真是太高兴了。

7."It was worth it, " Mr Zhao said, adding that it was an event he wanted even his two-month-old daughter to remember.“这是值得的,”赵科峰说。他接着表示,他甚至希望自己两个月大的女儿也记住这个仪式。

8.Mr. Zhao: Here we are at the Customs Office. I have to leave you here now, but I will be waiting for you at the exit.赵先生:我们到海关了。我现在得把你留在这里,我在出口处等你。

9.The company carries the land on its books at this market price, and can borrow against it, Mr. Zhao said.该公司账上持有的土地,能够以此借入资金,赵先生说。

10.Mr Zhao said he had had an unrewarding pfe in Austrapa since he arrived from China in 2000.赵先生说,自从他2000年来到澳洲后,他的生活了无生趣。