


美式发音: [ˈprimed] 英式发音: [ˈpriːmed]








n.1.in the U.S., a degree or set of classes that you take in college before you go to medical school; a student who is taking these classes

1.医学预科 Business 商科 Premed 医学预科 Engineering 工程学 ...

2.医学院预科 prematurity 早熟 premed 医学院预科 premedical 医学院预科的 ...

3.医学预科生 Postgraduate degree 研究生学位 Premed n. 医科的预科 Registration n. 注册 ...


1.Because people say I've got to take that if I want to be premed. But, you know, to me there's a lot of detail in organic chemistry.因为人们会说如果要成为一个医科预科生就去学有机化学.不过,对我来说,有机化学里有许许多多的细节。

2.In premed, we learned that if there's air in the lungs or the chest cavity the body will float to the surface.医学预科班里,我们学过,要是肺部或者胸腔有空气尸体就会浮上来。

3.He was a premed student, also at Cornell, who incidentally also had a bad cold. I fell in love with Milton the instant I met him.他是医学院预科学生,也在康奈尔大学上学,巧的是他正好也患有重感冒.见到米尔顿的第一眼我就喜欢上了他。

4.I figured, since you are doing premed, you know about the various courses.我想既然你在都医学预科课程,你肯定了解很多课程。

5.He was a premed student, also at Cornell, who incidentally also had a bad cold.他是医科大学的预科生,也在科内尔,凑巧也患了重感冒。

6.I am Sara, who used to have black, dead straight hair but had it premed and dyed in January.我是sara,我的头发曾经又黑又直,但今年一月我烫了发,还染了色。

7.I tried doing research and could not because no one wanted accepted volunteers. Also the premed program sucks.我试着参加研究工作,但没有人希望接受志愿人员。

8.Our son, Chris, is a premed student at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro.我们的儿子克里斯是位于斯泰兹波罗的南佐治亚医科大学的预科生。

9.Congratulations. I knew you would. - My parents are pushing premed.太好了.我就知道-父母劝我念医科

10.Teaching practice and reform of premed's biochemistry experimental course医学预科班生物化学实验课的教学改革与实践