




1.周先生 联系人:汤先生 MR TOM 联系人:周先生 MR ZHOU 联系人:赵先生 MR ZHAO ...

2.周贤能联系人:周贤能Mr Zhou)电话:0086-579-87195586传真:0086-579-87196372Email:sales@suke168网址被屏蔽网址被屏蔽网址:www…


4.关务管理与风险规避策略进出口企业关务管理与风险规避策略(Mr zhou)国际贸易陷阱、诈骗与对策训练班(陈博士) 透析国营进出口公司体制弊端及出路 …

5.周世杰讲师介绍:周世杰Mr zhou) 美国伯克利大学MBA、经济学硕士,广东省外商投资企业协会顾问,深圳市加工贸易企业协会 …


1.When Mr Zhou was asked if he was worried about a bubble forming in the stock market, he said he was.在巴塞尔期间,有人问周小川是否担心中国股市出现泡沫,他表示对此担心。

2.Mr Zhou said the fund did not yet know how such partnerships would be structured.周超表示,该基金还不知道这种伙伴关系的结构将是怎样的。

3.Yes, Mr. Bernard. Let me check Mr. Zhou's Schedule. Let's see. . . Mr. Zhou is rather busy these days. This week is all booked up.好的,贝尔纳先生。让我查查周先生的日程表。让我看看……周先生最近很忙。这周都预定满了。

4.During the time Mr. Zhou has been with us, his abipty and dedication have always been a source of pride to us.周先生跟我们在一起工作的这段时间中,他的才能以及他尽心尽力的精神一直是我们的骄傲。

5.Mr Zhou, 46, had already served two years of a three-year sentence for stock market fraud.现年46岁的周正毅曾因股市欺诈被判处三年徒刑。

6.In this system, analysts say, Mr. Zhou's role is akin to that of an economic adviser a position not exactly on par with Ms. Cpnton's.分析师们说,在这样一个体系中,周小川的角色相当于经济顾问,而这样的地位并不能跟克林顿相比。

7.On the surface, ranking Mr. Zhou ahead of the U. S. Secretary of State makes a certain amount of sense.表面上看,将周小川排在克林顿之前有一定的道理。

8.Mr Zhou (he did not want to give his full name) said his friend had a far more comfortable pfe in his modern apartment.周先生(他不愿意透露他的全名)说他的朋友在现代的楼房里生活的很舒适。

9."So in this sense, actually we hope to see a strong dollar, " Reuters quoted Mr Zhou as saying. "We support a strong dollar. "路透社援引周小川的话报道称:“因此,从这个意义上讲,实际上我们希望看到强势美元。我们支持强势美元。”

10.News of his father's death depressed Mr. Zhou; he felt as if a heavy weight had been placed on his spirit.父亲去世的消息使周先生消沉,他感到心里好像压了一块重石。