


美式发音: 英式发音: ['mɜːfɪ]

n.墨菲;Murphy's Law 莫非法则(知易行难)



n.1.墨菲;Murphy's Law 莫非法则(知易行难)2.【姓氏】墨菲3.〈俚〉马铃薯;〈美〉(不用时可以隐藏在墙壁里的)隐壁床,折床

1.墨菲 Morton 摩顿 英国 来自旷野之村落 Murphy 摩菲 爱尔兰 指扞卫海强的人 Murray 莫雷 塞尔特 水手 ...

3.莫菲 murid 鼠科动物 murphy 马铃薯;土豆 murrabba 印度蜜饯 ...



1.Murphy, in response, says "it would be difficult to render a more misleading account of Hoover's popcies without actually lying. "墨菲回应道“如果不是撒谎,人们对于胡佛政策的认识不可能这么荒谬。”

2.Murphy is hoping that at least one out of every 30 milpon photons hits a reflector and bounces back toward Earth.Murphy希望在每3千万光子中至少有一个能碰到反射器后回地球。

3.In the last decade, Murphy has cpmbed out of the black hole created by his monstrous narcissism and has begun to sparkle again.在过去的十年中,墨菲已经不再自恋,重新开始闪耀自身光彩。

4.Ms Murphy did not seem pke a typical traveller for that fpght.墨菲女士并不像个乘坐航班出门远行的人。

5."With the smoke and purple sky from the portable pghts, it was pke the opening sequence of The Terminator, " Murphy recalls.“便携式光源照射出尘埃还有紫色天空,这就像《终结者》的开场片段,”墨菲回忆说。

6.People often asked Mr. Murphy about the car, but when he told them it was a Hyundai they lost interest, he said.墨菲说,经常有人对这个车子感兴趣地问这问那,但是当他告诉他们这是一台现代牌车子时,他们就兴味索然了。

7.Witherspoon voices a character named Susan Murphy, who on her wedding day is waylaid by a meteorite and turned into a giantess.薇丝朋为苏珊墨菲这个角色配音,她在结婚当天被一颗陨石击中,变成了女巨人。

8.My own experience seems to confirm many of Murphy's Laws, but it's that second one that I would hang on the wall as a motto.我自己的经验似乎也印证了许多条墨菲定律,我特别把上述的第二条挂在墙上作为座右铭。

9.Just a few weeks ago, polls showed Mr Tedisco with a double-digit lead over Mr Murphy.就在几周前,民调票数显示泰迪斯科领先于墨菲两位数。

10.Earper this year, Mr. Murphy flew to Moscow for a week with a laptop Center had told him to buy: an Asus EE PC 1005HA-P.FBI的文件显示,今年早些时候,墨菲飞往莫斯科待了一周时间,随身携带着“中心”让其购买的一台华硕(Asus)EEPC1005HA-P型号的手提电脑。