

go west

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un.1.to die, disappear, or be destroyed

1.上西天 ... 上西天 go-west.appspot网址被屏蔽 - 在线代理,在线代理服务器,网页代理, web proxy ...

2.西部大开发 冰糖葫芦 a stick of 西部大开发 Go-West 火锅 chafing dish ...


1.The old adage, Go West, young man to make your way in the world, is fast becoming Go East, if it has not already.奔向西方。想要在世界上开辟自己天地的年轻人们,如果你们还没去东方的话,赶快去吧。

2.Wang's choice is part of a much broader trend: China's rich appear to be increasingly keen to go west.王女士的选择是一次大潮中的一部分:中国的富人越来越渴望移民西方。

3.I go east, but he is not there. I go west, but I cannot find him.只是我往前行,他不在那里;往后退,也不能见他。

4.As we go west the food changes this is one of the best as well as the longest train journeys.当我们向西边走去是,那里的饮食也就随之改变。

5.Go West and turn around. The first traffic pght go left. About 30meter and exit the main road.由西向东掉头,红绿灯左转,大约30米出口进辅路。

6.Poor John were one of those who go west in the explosion.可怜的约翰是在这次爆炸中魂归西天的人物之一。

7.The state government has set up a "Go West Now" website to lure workers from the eastern seaboard.州政府已创建了“GoWestNow(马上去西部)”网站,以吸引东部沿海地带的工人。

8.Not only will he overrun Egypt he's going to go west of Egypt and take Libya and south of Egypt and take Ethiopia.他不仅会踏上埃及领土,还会前往埃及西部,攻打利比亚,埃及南面攻打埃塞俄比亚。

9.Central and local governments have offered many preferential popcies to spur investment under the "Go West" strategy.按照“西部大开发”战略,中央和地方政府已推出了许多刺激投资的优惠政策。

10.You are going east; to go west, you have to turn around.你正在向东走,去西边的话,你得转个身。