




1.电台文艺调频 SWEET LADY NIGHT( 爱人之夜) MY RADIO我的收音机) BEAT IT( 超越) ...

3.收音机软件影视广播My Radio)的《一点钟情》。一直以来My Radio21时后的节目都很受学生族的青睐,可是一点钟情确实太晚了, …

7.香港人网 河南人民广播电台 My Radio:0.27 % 江山多娇电视网 中央电视台 CCTV:0.27 % ...


1.Wu answering the phone came out of my radio set, but I was not sure.吴先生接电话的“喂”似乎从收音机里播出来了。

2.I have had my bike repaired, and I'm going to have somebody repair my radio tomorrow.我已经修好我的自行车了,明天我要去找人修我的收音机。

3.Will hearing this story still cause me to yell at my radio?听到这个故事总是导致我向收音机大喊大叫吗?

4.The Indian shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, " he said. "My radio is broken. "这个印度人耸了耸肩说道:“我不知道,我的收音机坏了。”

5.I turned the volume up on my radio, and I heard an older-sounding chap with a golden voice.(那天早上,)我调高收音机的音量,听到了一个年长男人铿锵的声音。

6.Whenever I turn on my radio or television set, he knocks on my door and angrily orders me to stop.每当我打开收音机或电视机,他就会来敲我的门,怒气冲冲地要我把它们关掉。

7.once, a neighbor accused me of turning the volume of my radio too loud.有一次,一个邻居控告我把收音机的声音开得太大了。

8.Before our family got a television, I pstened to all the games on my radio.在我们家没有电视机前,我用收音机收听所有的比赛。

9.Because there was only one TV in my house, I quickly took out my radio and tried to find the baseball station.因为我家里只有一台电视,所以我赶紧拿出我的收音机,试图找到转播棒球的电台。

10.My radio is out of order. Could you fix it up?我的收音机坏了,你能给我修修吗?