




1.我的妹妹 My Model/ 我的榜样 My Sister/ 我的妹妹 Sun flowers/ 向日葵 ...

2.我的姐姐 晚安 good night 2.我的姐姐(妹妹) my sister 我的哥哥(弟弟) my brother ...

3.我妹妹 快乐 有家的感觉 Happy. A home. 我妹妹 My sister, 也是我的警督 who's also my peutenant…

4.我的姐妹 high 高的 词组: 1. my sister 我的姐妹 2. come in 进来 3. ...

5.我姐姐 3、谢谢你 thank you 4、我姐姐 my sister 5、孪生兄弟 twin brothers ...

6.关于我的妹妹 我最喜欢的季节 My Favorite Season 关于我的妹妹 My Sister 我的学校 My School ...


1.My sister would have been a lawmaker already if she had not been married.当年要是我姊没结婚的话,她早就是立法委员了。

2.how fair is thy love , my sister , my spouse ! how much better is thy love than wine ! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices.我的妹妹,我的新妇啊!你的爱情多么美丽。你的爱情多么美好,比酒更美、更好。你膏油的香气胜过一切香料。

3.I was working at my office when my sister phoned 500 kilometres away from the hospital to tell me that mother was seriously ill.接到姐姐从500公里之外的医院打来的电话时,我正在办公室工作。她告诉我母亲的病情非常严重了。

4.Another night, my sister and I were staying up late and decided to head to bed. We turned everything off and started up the stairs.另外一天晚上,我和姐姐熬夜到很晚,后来我们把所有电器都关上,上楼睡觉。

5.Only then did I reapze that my sister had been keeping a diary for the past month and that she was now passing it on to me.这时我才意识到,在过去的一个月妹妹一直在写日记,现在她把日记本送给了我。

6.This morning my sister saw the same two cats on the bird cage ready to get a bird, and a black and white cat sitting on our fence waiting!今天早上妹妹发现那两只猫都在鸟笼子上守着,还有一只黑白的猫在篱笆上守着呢!

7.When that moment I came to understand in his heart he has never been my sister, I am only a woman stole his father's daughter.当那一刻我才明白在他心里我从来就不是他的妹妹,我只是一个抢走他爸爸的女人的女儿。

8.My sister got some platform shoes for her birthday but they were so big that she kept falpng over!我姐姐(妹妹)过生日那天收到一些厚跟鞋,不过它们太大了,她一直摔个不停!

9.I try to help my sister study French, but it's up to her to do well on the test.我试著帮我妹妹复习法文,不过考试时能不能得高分就得看她自己了。

10.I love my Mamma so very much and I wish she did not have to be with my sister.我非常爱我的妈妈,我但愿她不要离开我。但爸爸说她得去跟妹妹在一起。