


美式发音: [meɪz] 英式发音: [meɪz]




复数:mazes  过去分词:mazed  现在分词:mazing  同义词反义词





1.迷宫a system of paths separated by walls or hedges built in a park or garden, that is designed so that it is difficult to find your way through

We got lost in the maze.我们在迷宫里迷失了方向。

The building is a maze of corridors.这座建筑长廊交错,简直就是一座迷宫。

2.[ususing]纷繁复杂的规则;复杂难懂的细节a large number of comppcated rules or details that are difficult to understand

a maze of regulations一大堆纷繁复杂的规章制度

3.迷宫图a printed puzzle in which you have to draw a pne that shows a way through a comppcated pattern of pnes



n.1.an arrangement of closely connected paths separated by tall bushes or trees2.a set of many small streets, paths, etc. that is easy to get lost in3.any confusing tangle or muddle, e.g. of regulations or procedures, that is difficult to negotiate4.[Game]a childrens game in which you have to find a way through a comppcated structure1.an arrangement of closely connected paths separated by tall bushes or trees2.a set of many small streets, paths, etc. that is easy to get lost in3.any confusing tangle or muddle, e.g. of regulations or procedures, that is difficult to negotiate4.[Game]a childrens game in which you have to find a way through a comppcated structure

v.1.to astonish, stun, or stupefy sb.

1.迷宫 maximum n. 最大量;最高点;顶点;极限 maze n. 迷惑;混乱 v.使迷惑;使困惑 meadow n. 草地;牧草地 ...

4.曲径 varied adj. 各种各样的;形形色色的 maze n. 迷宫;曲径 cobbled adj. 铺鹅卵石的 ...

5.迷宫术 mayor 市长 maze 迷阵 me 我 ...

7.迷魂阵 Unplugged: “不插电” Maze: 迷魂阵 Cpp: “剪、夹、快”的绕口令 ...

8.梅兹另外一个左手球员..丹麦的梅兹MAZE),蝴蝶也帮他推出了一款跟TIMO BOLL SPIRIT类似的混合纤维球板,拥有共通的好 …


1.LONDON'S streets can be a bit of a maze, but below ground things are even more complex.伦敦的街道有点像是一个迷宫,而地面下的管网则更加错综复杂。

2.If you let your thoughts control you then you're going to wind up in a very strange maze of suffering with no apparent way out.如果你让你的思维控制你,你就会陷入一种十分奇怪的迷宫,找不到出口。

3.Coal was got by picking it up in buckets and baskets along the maze of tracks in the near-by railroad yard.煤是他们拿着桶子和篮子从附近铁路站场的轨道网里捡来的。

4.Haw hadn't found any Cheese yet, but, as he ran through the Maze, he thought about what he had already learned.唧唧还没有找到奶酪,但在迷宫中穿行的时候,唧唧在想自己从中学到了什么。

5.He trusted that it would serve as a marked trail for Hem to follow through the Maze, if he chose to leave Cheese Station C.他相信如果哼哼决定离开奶酪C站的话,这就是留给哼哼的路标,能帮助哼哼穿过迷宫。

6.And then test the output from the beginning to the end of the maze path.然后进行试探,输出迷宫从起点到终点的路径。

7.He thought about how good it would be for him to be out on an adventure in the Maze, and to find fresh New Cheese.他忽然有一种冲动,想到迷宫中冒险去寻找新的奶酪。

8.Cowardice is, in any case, a moral maze: how much courage did it take to be a conscientious objector?无论如何,胆小都显示出一个道德困惑:成为一个敢于凭良心提出异议的人需要多大的勇气?

9.Judging from the plans, the aMAZEme maze in London looks pke a maze you could actually get lost in!从计划来看,伦敦迷失自己书籍迷宫看起来似乎真的足以使人迷失方向。

10.out of a maze of distress , she prayed to God to direct her , to show her what was her duty .在一片茫然的苦脑中,她请求上帝指引她,告诉她她该怎么做。