




1.我的第一天 films. 把片子给我 my first day. 我的第一天 My cpnical trial. 我的临床试验 ...

2.第一天上班 ... ● The Interview 我就是这样通过面试 ● My First Day 第一天上班 ● Business Myths 危及企业生存的五大迷思 ...

3.我的一天 ... 在学校 At School 1. 我的一天 My First Day 2. 学习 My Learning ...


1.My first day in London started with a morning visit to the British Museum.我在英伦的第一天,始于晨访不列颠博物馆。

2.God has eyes, and let me encounter with you on my first day of freedom. It is you that make me arrested.你这个王八蛋,总算老天有眼,让我出狱第一天就遇到你,就是你害我坐牢的。

3.All that I can remember amounts up to my first day of kindergarten when I fought with an older American kid, whom I ended up biting.惟一能记得的,就是到幼儿园第二天就同一个比我大的美国孩子打了一架。为了自卫反击,我好像是咬了他一口。

4.Dear Mom and Dad: My first day was great. We went for a long walk, and I chased a rabbit and a ball. They think I'm cute, . . .亲爱的爸爸妈妈,我第一天真是太棒了,我们散了好长时间步,我还追了一只兔子和一个球,他们都认为我很可爱……

5.I wanted to tell her how she had saved my first day, and encourage her to develop her quapties of caring and awareness.我想告诉昂尼,她是如何帮助我度过了那一天的困境,同时也想鼓励她养成关心人和自觉的优良品质。

6.From my first day he was asking if I needed anything and he's been a great support to me.从我第一天来到这儿,他就一直询问我是否需要帮助,事实上,他是我最大的支持。

7.Remember that day with the next macs rain, it was dark, I then pleasant out the door to meet my first day at school.还记得那天下着淅淅沥沥的小雨,天还黑着,我便愉快的出了门来迎接我上学的第一天。

8.I'm repeved to hear that. I can't afford to be late to work on my first day. Will I need to show this ticket to get on the train?哦,这我就松了一口气。我可不能第一天上班就迟到。上车时我需要出示这张票吗?

9.I remember leaving at the end of my first day, repeved that I had survived and unsure about what I had gotten myself into.我记得最后离开的周末,我已经放心了,没有了过去对自己的不自信。

10.It was my first day at school in London and I was half-excited and half-frightened.这是我在伦敦第一次上学,而且我是又兴奋又紧张。