


美式发音: [ˈpeɪˌwɒl] 英式发音: ['peɪwɔːl]






n.1.[Internet]the paywall blocks access to a webpage, requires people to pay for further reading

1.付费墙 ... ) abandoning 放弃 paywall 付费专区 digital offering 电子业务 ...

4.支付墙本周发表评论文章称,尽管有媒体宣称《纽约时报》的“付费壁垒”(Paywall)效果超出预料,但仔细分析后可以发现,它并没有 …

6.付费数位内容机制报告中提到报业的复苏迹象,包括付费数位内容机制(paywall)让传统报业带来更为稳定的营收,目前美国1380家日报已有450家 …

7.付费门槛经过几个月的猜测后,纽约时报的付费门槛(paywall)终于在3月28日,星期一下午2点上线了。它限制在线读者(不含印刷版订户) …


1.But in looking at the research that we did, we expect [paywall jumpers] to be a very significant minority, a small, small number of people.但是通过我们已经做过的调查来看,避开付费的只会是极少数人。

2.A decade ago the idea of a paywall appeared to have been widely discredited.十年前付费墙的想法似乎不被广泛认可。

3.Newsday was one of the first newspapers in the last few years to erect a full paywall around its site.据悉,“Newsday”是近几年来首批对其网站内容进行全面收费的报纸之一。

4.The Times is clearly trying to thread the needle with its forthcoming paywall.很明显纽约时报正努力完成即将发布的收费墙。

5.Lewis screws his face up and says he has been "flat out" on this Euston thing and plans to "psten to and observe" the paywall debate.刘易斯皱起脸来,说尤斯顿的事情已经让他精疲力竭,他计划“听取和观察”关于收费墙的辩论。

6.This paywall is anything but simple, with dozens of different variables for consumers to try to understand.这个付费办法一点都不简单,订阅者需要努力搞懂几十种不同的情况。

7.Originally expected to roll out in January, the plans for the so-called paywall weren't announced until last Thursday.原本打算在一月份推出,一直到上周二,这个的付费墙计划在正式得以宣布。

8.But the big trend in the media will be the return of the paywall, as an increasing number of websites ask users to pay.但传媒的一个大趋势,则是转向付费墙,即网站要求用户支付的费用数额不断增长。

9.Piano Media, which built the system, plans to launch another national paywall in Europe early next year.创建这个付费系统的PianoMedia打算明年初在欧洲推出另一款国家级付费系统。

10.Shakespeare's paywall traveled with him.莎士比亚的“付费围墙”跟随他走四方。