


美式发音: [kənˈkɑkt] 英式发音: [kənˈkɒkt]



第三人称单数:concocts  现在分词:concocting  过去式:concocted  搭配同义词

v.+n.concoct excuse

v.prepare,cook,make,put together,rustle up



1.~ sth调制,调合,配制(尤指食物或饮料)to make sth, especially food or drink, by mixing different things

The soup was concocted from up to a dozen different kinds of fish.这种汤是用多达十几种不同的鱼熬制而成的。

2.~ sth虚构,杜撰,编造(故事、借口等)to invent a story, an excuse, etc.

She concocted some elaborate story to explain her absence.她精心编造了解释她缺席的一些谎言。


v.1.to invent a false explanation or false information, especially for a dishonest purpose2.to produce something unusual by mixing things in a new way, especially a drink or meal

1.调制 concentrate 集中,浓缩 concoct 计画,调制 concord 和谐,一致 ...

2.编造 concise adj. 简明的 concoct v. 编造,虚构 concrete adj. 具体的;n.水泥 ...

3.捏造 捏一把汗〖 beseizedwithfear〗 捏造〖 fabricate;concoct;fake;invent〗 捏 niē ...

4.虚构 concise adj. 简明的 concoct v. 编造,虚构 concrete adj. 具体的;n.水泥 ...

5.策划 ... 26. collaborate 勾结 27. concoct 策划 28. kneel 跪着 ...

6.犹捏造 [tectonic;structure] 结构 [fabricate;concoct] 犹捏造 [make] 制造 ...

7.编造,虚构 conclusive adj. 决定性的;最后的 concoct v. 调制;编造,虚构 concomitant adj. 伴随而来的 ...

8.凭空编造 [be seized with fear] 因担心而心情极度紧张,手心出汗。 [fabricate;concoct;fake;invent] 凭空编造 ...


1.He said he quickly conferred with one of Mr. Jackson's security guards to concoct a story to get out of giving the ride.他说他迅速与杰克逊的一名保镖商议,编造一个不带莫瑞回去的理由。

2.It was the least controversial, most insipid topic I could concoct.这是我能编造出来的争议最少,最无聊的理由。

3.There was no menu, and the couple were free to concoct the dishes with available raw materials.小店没有菜单,夫妇俩根据现有的材料随意搭配。

4.Shodu was a skilled herbapst, able to concoct helpful medicine from local plant pfe to treat common ailments.肖杜是一位出色的草药医生,能用当地植物调制良药,医治普通小病。

5.The key should be as random a string as you can concoct, with numbersanduppercaseandlowercase letters.你可以设置一个编造的随机字符串作为你的钥匙,最好包括数字,大写字母,小写字母。

6.What was the most unusual fragrance or flavor you've had to concoct?你配制的最奇怪的香水或者香味是什么?

7.News photos concoct news circle already is not only the discussion topics, also became the focus of attention of the pubpc.新闻照片造假已不仅是新闻圈内的讨论话题,也成了社会公众关注的焦点问题。

8.This text studies to concoct primarily causable accountancy's information loses the true phenomenon, being divided into four parts totally.本文主要研究了造假引起的会计信息失真现象,共分为四个部分。

9.But I'm going to need your help to concoct a story that will help me save face!但你得帮我编造个故事,好给我留点脸面!

10.Even the Wall Street firms that concoct these securities have taken a whipping.即使连创造出这些商品的华尔街经纪行也吃了大亏。