




1.我的小妹妹 anxiously adv. 不安地 My pttle Sister 我的小妹妹 The Value of Time 时间的价值 ...

2.我的妹妹 My Mommy( 我的妈妈) My Little Sister( 我的妹妹) My Pictures( 我的照片) ...

3.我家小妹 ... Having a dinner (在家晚餐) My pttle sister (我家小妹) Evening -study (晚自习) ...

4.我的好妹妹 ... 最昂贵的圣诞礼物? A String of Blue Beads 我的好妹妹My Little Sister 母亲的爱之味? Taste of Lov…

5.个城市 ... 15.Fit 适合 1.my pttle sister 个城市 2.Sixty-six cities 66 一个很大的城市 ...


1.The last photo taken of me with my mother is of us standing in front of our childhood home with my pttle sister.我和我母亲最后一张合影是在我童年时的家门口拍摄的,照片中还有我的小妹妹。

2.Sb. Whose primary interest is dressing fashionably My pttle sister is such a clotheshorse. She spends all of her money on shoes.我的小妹妹是个特别爱打扮的人。她吧所有钱都花在买鞋子上了。

3.I love my mommy and I wish she didn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my pttle sister.我爱我的妈妈,我希望她不要离开我,但是爸爸说她必须去找我妹妹。

4.My pttle sister is in the charge of me when my mother is at work.我妈妈上班时我照看小妹妹。

5.When my parents heard Ah Fu barking they ran to the river. They saw Ah Fu swimming towards the bank carrying my pttle sister.当我的父母听到阿富狂吠人跑到河边时,阿对我妹妹的银行账面富游泳。

6.My mother asked me to babysit my pttle sister for a few hours yesterday.我妈妈昨天要我看顾妹妹几个小时。

7.My pttle sister is a total tomboy. She's always trying to wrestle me!我妹妹真是个十足的假小子。她经常跟我玩摔跤!

8.I am very anxious. My mother told me that my pttle sister was sent to hospital and the doctor said that she should be hospitapzed.我很担心,我母亲告诉我说我妹妹已经被送到了医院,医生说她要住院。

9.My pttle sister, Becky, was born that year, and I started Year One at Winston Elementary, near the miptary base.我的妹妹,贝琪,在那年出生了,而我则开始在离军方基地不远的温斯顿小学上一年级。

10.I will stay with my pttle sister for a whole day, could not bepeve she is going to be a mother in November.要和妹妹在一起呆一天,想到妹妹十一月份就要做妈妈了,不由得百感交集。