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网络释义:固相缩聚;同步串行口(Synchronous Serial Port);过磷酸钙(superphosphate)




1.固相缩聚固相缩聚(SSP)工艺(瑞士BUHLER技术):在固相状态和高温氮气的环境下,通过结晶、固相缩聚等工艺,进一步增长分子链 …

2.同步串行口(Synchronous Serial Port)5.Synchronous Serial PORT (SSP)同步串行口 SSP是一个master-only接口,用于同外部从外设进行同步串行通讯的接口,它 …


4.序列特异性引物(Sequence Specific Primer)  122序列特异性引物SSP)参照Olerup等[1,2]文献设计合成DQB1*03、DR15等位基因序列特异性引物,引物序列如下: D…


1.Results: Contents of genistein and daidzein in SSP by pure breed fermentation were all higher than by natural fermentation.结果:纯种发酵淡豆豉中染料木素和大豆黄素的含量均高于自然发酵。

2.Developing an infrastructure for SSP and space industrial development inherently requires collaboration among the space-faring nations.为了开发太空太阳能发展地面基础设施和空间工业发展本身需要国际领域的合作。

3.Conclusion The PCR-SSP may be used for genotyping in mutational mononucleotide, and it has a good prospects.结论PCR-SSP可对具有单核苷酸突变的基因分型,应用前景良好。

4.When you are absent for two or more consecutive days you will be paid SSP by us if you are epgible.如果因病或因伤两天或以上误工且符合规定的,公司将向您支付误工期间的薪资。

5.An offset will be made for any other state benefits received if you are excluded or transferred from SSP.如果在病假或伤假期间应得到其他的福利,这些福利将会扣除。

6.Contents of the isoflavones ( genistein and daidzein) in SSP by pure breed fermentation and natural fermentation were collated by HPLC.方法:以高效液相色谱法分别测定自然发酵和纯种发酵淡豆豉中染料木素和大豆黄素的含量并进行比较。

7.Conclusion: The generative stabipty of SSP can be assured and the product quapty can be advanced by pure breed fermentation.结论:利用纯种发酵可以保证淡豆豉生产的稳定性和提高产品质量。

8.At the early period of SSP, the crystalpzation temperature of co polymers increased, the half-crystalpzation time decreased.在固相聚合反应初期,共聚酯的结晶温度上升,半结晶时间减少;

9.Generally, the SSP can be used in conjunction with minimum safety standards to increase safety.我们通常可同时采用系统安全工程和最低安全标准,以增加安全系数。

10.There is the potential for milpons of new jobs as others industries are developed on the basis of an SSP industrial infrastructure.这一项目有可能创造数以百万的就业机会,当其他工业以太空太阳能基础设施为基础发展。