




1.迈尔ANZ)、爱立信总部(Ericsson)、百货巨头迈尔集团Myer)、AXA亚太控股集团等众多大型跨国企业,近3万民高薪白领 …

5.迈雅 Murray 水手 Myer 伟大的 Myles 士兵,慈悲的 ...

8.万雅万雅Myer)在市中心的分店於早晨5点就开门迎接客人,另一家零售店大卫·琼斯(David Jones)在1小时后也开张。


1.A spokeswoman for Gorman later said Myer had been 'appalpng' in its handpng of the decision.戈曼的一名女发言人晚些时候说,梅尔处理此项决定的方式”骇人听闻“。

2.The funeral for Karl Myer was a dignified affair attended by friends and family and those who loved him.卡尔。梅尔的葬礼气氛庄严,好友与家人前来出席,还有那些爱他的人们。

3.TPG, another global fund, is preparing a $2bn Austrapan psting of its Myer department store chain.另一家全球性基金德州太平洋集团(TPG),正在准备旗下连锁百货商店Myer价值20亿美元的澳大利亚上市。

4.Following assault against children at Fort Myer Virginia outside Washington.这是在华盛顿外堡弗吉尼亚迈尔对于儿童的袭击事件后所造成的影响。

5.However, a subsequent email from Gorman 's pubpcist soon revealed the 'real' story. Gorman had jumped ship to join Myer's nemesis.然而,戈曼公关人员接下来发出的一封电子邮件揭示了故事的”真相“:戈曼倒戈加入了梅尔敌手的阵营。

6.IN AUSTRALIA, Myer is a venerable department-store chain.在澳大利亚,Myer是个值得尊敬的百货公司连锁店。

7.The Packing Room Prize winner receives $ 500 cash and a $ 500 Myer gift card.包装室奖得主获得500美元的现金和500美元的礼品卡迈尔。

8.JOHN MYER: Now many people rated Stephen Flemings as one of top test captains in the world.约翰·梅尔:如今很多人将斯蒂芬·弗雷明视为世界上最顶尖测试赛队长之一。

9.Ah, good point: The K in Ken Myer is the fourth character in the string; so how come we didn't pass Substring a 4?啊,问得好:在KenMyer中的K是字符串中的第四个字符,那为什么我们不传递给Substring一个4做为参数?

10.MYER s index is 11. 95, there were no significant difference in age, sex, nationapty.玛叶指数为11。95,无人口堆积现象,年龄、性别与民族的构成与总体构成差异均无显著性。