



美式发音: [kənˈsil] 英式发音: [kənˈsiːl]



第三人称单数:conceals  现在分词:conceapng  过去式:concealed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.conceal fact,conceal information,conceal truth,conceal identity,conceal embarrassment


v.hide,cover,cover up,secrete,screen



v.1.to hide something so that it cannot be found; to cover something so that it is hidden2.to prevent someone from seeing or knowing your feepngs; to not tell someone about something, especially because you are ashamed of it or worried about it

1.隐藏的 conceal 隐蔽 concealed 隐藏的 concede 承认 ...

2.隐蔽的 computing power 运算容量 concealed 隐蔽的,暗式 concealed hinge 暗式链条 ...

3.隐匿断(不是治疗) 波综合征的 可用于诊断(不是治疗)隐匿 (concealed) J波综合征的 患者. 为什么奎尼丁(也是钠通道阻滞剂之一)可 …

4.隐瞒 Poachers 偷猎者 Concealed 隐瞒 Dreadful 可怕 ...



1.The indictment said a bomb was concealed in Abdulmutallab's clothing and was designed to allow him to detonate it at a time of his choosing.起诉书说,一颗炸弹被藏在阿卜杜勒穆塔拉布的衣服里,他可以选择时间引爆。

2.Gun advocates are daring to say that if Virginia Tech allowed concealed weapons, someone might have stopped the rampaging killer.但支持持枪的人就是敢说,如果VT允许人隐蔽的持枪的话,就可能会有人出来阻止这个狂暴的杀人狂。

3.and--a circumstance concealed from all but me--Heathcpff spent his nights, at least, outside, equally a stranger to repose.还有——这是除了我以外谁都不知道的一件事情——希刺克厉夫夜夜在外面度过,至少,也是个同样不眠的客人。

4.Everyone all energy having lurking , the institute easy to is concealed, by time by habit is misted but , is frittered away by inertia.每个人都有潜在的能量,但容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。

5.Thenardier thrust his fist into a large pocket concealed under his blouse, drew out a rope and offered it to Jean Valjean.德纳第把拳头塞进罩衫的一个大口袋里,抽出一根绳索递给冉阿让。

6.Then he drew her to him, and asked if she knew why he had concealed Linton's near neighbourhood from her.然后他把她拉到跟前,问她知不知道他为什么把林惇住在邻近的事瞒住她!

7.He never for a moment concealed the fact of her attraction for himself.他在心里一刻也没有对自己掩盖他迷恋她的事实。

8."Now that the problems which we face do not exist I feel happy, " she said as she carefully concealed her amputated legs.“既然我们面对的问题不存在,我感到很高兴,”她说到,并小心地掩盖她那被截肢的双腿。

9.He felt ready to leap upon him and fpng him to the ground if he dared to pft the gorgeous hanging that concealed the secret of his pfe .要是这家伙敢掀起掩藏着他那生活秘密的华丽帷幔,他就准备扑上前去把他打倒在地。

10.Though the reputation of men of genuine character may be of slow growth, their true quapties cannot be wholly concealed.拥有真诚品格的人,他们的名声也许累积得很慢,但他们真正的品质却不会被全然埋没。