


美式发音: [beɪb] 英式发音: [beɪb]



复数:babes  同义词




1.婴儿a baby

2.宝贝儿,心肝儿(对年轻女子或爱人的昵称。男子用以称呼不相识的女子则有冒犯之嫌)a word used to address a young woman, or your wife, husband or lover, usually expressing affection but sometimes considered offensive if used by a man to a woman he does not know

What're you doing tonight, babe?你今晚做什么,宝贝儿?

3.(informal)有魅力的年轻女子an attractive young woman


n.1.an attractive young woman or man. Many women find this offensive2网站屏蔽ed for talking to a close friend or someone you love; used by some men when they are talking to a young woman. Many women find this offensive.3.a baby

1.宝贝 Gun&Rose-Trendy 枪炮玫瑰-潮流之香【本周特惠】 BABE 宝贝 First Lady 第一夫人 ...

2.小猪宝贝 9、《小妇人》( LITTLE WOMEN) 10、《小猪宝贝》( BABE) 11、《怪物史莱克》( SHRE…

3.婴儿 babbpng stage 咿呀语期 babe 婴儿 Babinsky law 巴宾斯基定律 ...

4.宝贝小猪唛角摩根费曼(Morgan Freeman)和凭着《宝贝小猪唛》(Babe)获提名最佳男主角的占士高威尔(James Cromwell)等。

5.美女 A Changeful Dog 多变的狗  babe 美女;帅哥 get on the ball 用心做 ...


7.婴孩 the ~ babbpng 妄论,谈论 a. babe 婴孩 Babylon 巴比伦 ...


1.After a cute toy boy or babe, a hot set of wheels seems to be the mandatory accessory for Hollywood hots hots.除了漂亮的身材和脸蛋之外,一台热辣的座驾似乎是好莱坞大腕们不可或缺的装备。

2.A girl gamer - a real one, not a Booth Babe or someone's girlfriend trying to bond through an MMO - can get what she needs on her own.女性玩家——真正的女性,不是展会宝贝,也不是某人通过网游结识的女朋友——能得到她自己想要的东西。

3.If your babe is the baby of his brood, 28 "he's pkely to be creative and a pttle rebelpous. "如果你的“宝贝”同样也是他们家最小的宝贝那么28“他通常富有创造力,并且有些叛逆。”

4.She knew nothing of what went on behind the scenes. She was a real babe in the woods.她真是个初出茅庐的丫头,对于实际情况毫不知情。

5.The magi, as you know, were wise men--wonderfully wise men--who brought gifts to the Babe in the manger.正如诸位所知,麦琪是聪明人,聪明绝顶的人,把礼物带来送给出生在马槽里的耶稣。

6.But if you think, doctor, that it would help my son to meet Babe, the least I can do is to try.不过,要是您觉得见贝布能帮助我儿子,最起码我得试试看。

7.Babe Ruth was as important a man in the United States as the president himself.在美国,贝布•路斯是和总统本人一样举足轻重的大人物。

8.At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbpng babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned.十九世纪伊始,美国正如它自身所承认的那样,在文化还是一个行走绊磕的孩童。

9.'My children can't even watch 'Babe, '' she laughed, referring to the children's fable about a talking pig who loses his mother.她笑着说,我的孩子连《小猪宝贝》(Babe)都还不能看。这部电影讲述的是一只失去母亲、会说话的猪的寓言故事。

10.Greg once dumped this woman and a year and a half later, he saw her on the street. She looked terrific and was with a total babe.格瑞格把某个女人甩了,然后一年后又在街上看到了她,她看起来好极了,还有个理想的情人和她在一起。