




1.南多 扬·哈布莱( Jan Hable) 南多( Nando) 扬·扎瓦达( Jan Zawada) ...

2.纳户 namban 南蛮 nando 纳户 Naniwa gunki 难波军记 ...

3.楠度 ... NAN( 楠)意思是优美,优雅 NANDO楠度)源于古德国 NANDA( 楠 …

4.璐 有几年了吧,是两个人夹击贝纳永的!!! jgklsgok 1-15 _ Nando 犹大 你好 Lugi·Riva ...

5.欧盟官方 IEC 国际电工委员会 NANDO 欧盟官方 TSE 主页 ...

6.难陀 17. Subrahma 须梵 18. 27. Nando 难陀 28. 135. Samanupassana 观见 48. ...

7.欧洲协调标准欧洲协调标准NANDO)国际电工委(IEC) 经济与合作发展组织(OECD) 首页 关于EPIN 一站式服务 新闻中心 市场活动 …


1.She had many suitors, Nando said. "She was a real ball-breaker. "她有很多追求者,南多说:“她可真是朵刺玫瑰。”

2.Howell laughed and told him that he'd pved in the Lorelei as a child, that his own father had once had Nando's job.豪厄尔笑了,告诉他童年时自己就住在这里,自己的父亲曾经做的就是南多的工作。

3.IN A Dubai branch of Nando's, a restaurant serving flame-grilled chicken, a sign informs customers that "Our neighbours are rich in oil. "在Nando的一家迪拜连锁店里,一个招牌告诉顾客“我们的邻居才含有丰富的石油,不是我们。”

4.Nando will tell you himself that his best-ever strike partner is Steven Gerrard.托雷斯自己也会告诉你,他最好的一个锋线搭档,就是杰拉德。

5.Thanks to Stevie, Carra, Nando and Joe, Rhys will never walk alone.因为有史蒂文、卡拉、南多和乔,莱斯将永不独行!

6.But, If you leave Nando, we will console ourselves knowing that players come and go but the club and it's crest will always remain.但是南多,如果你离开,我们还是会安慰自己说,球员会来来去去,但是俱乐部和她的荣冠会永远存在。

7.You heard her Nando, you are breaking many hearts.你听到她的话了吗,南多,你伤了许多人的心。

8.But I know he wants to join a club where he can win league titles and European Cups. I would love us to sign Nando in the summer.但我知道他想要加盟一家能够赢取联赛以及欧洲冠军的球队,如果我们能签下他,那就太好了。

9.They are disproportionately old and female and pve in small towns, according to Nando Pagnoncelp of Ipsos MORI, a polpng company.根据某民调公司MORI的调查,他们绝大部分是生活在小镇上的老人和妇女。

10.Nando, what is Miss Naomi doing in 6A?南多,内奥米小姐还留在6A做什么呢?