


美式发音: [nit] 英式发音: [niːt]




比较级:neater  最高级:neatest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.neat way,neat appearance,neat Figure,neat solution


adj.well-ordered,in order,well-organized,organized,undiluted



1.整洁的;整齐的;有序的tidy and in order; carefully done or arranged

a neat desk整洁的课桌

neat handwriting工整的笔迹

neat rows of books一排排整齐的书

She was wearing a neat black suit.她穿着整洁的黑色套装。

They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.他们坐在她那干净整齐的厨房里。

2.有条理的;爱整洁的liking to keep things tidy and in order; looking tidy or doing things in a tidy way

Try and be neater!干净利落点!

3.小巧优雅的small, with a pleasing shape or appearance

her neat figure她那娇小玲珑的身材

4.简洁的;睿智的;灵巧的simple but clever

a neat explanation简明的解释

a neat solution to the problem解决这个问题的捷径

5.(informal)好的;极好的good; excellent

It's a really neat movie.这真是一部极好的电影。

We had a great time─it was pretty neat.我们玩得很痛快,棒极了。

6.未掺水的;纯的not mixed with water or anything else

neat whisky纯威士忌酒



adj.1.carefully arranged and looking nice; tending to keep things carefully arranged and looking nice2.producing a result in a simple but intelligent way3.good, or nice4.small and pleasing in appearance5.a neat alcoholic drink is served without any ice and is not mixed with any other liquid1.carefully arranged and looking nice; tending to keep things carefully arranged and looking nice2.producing a result in a simple but intelligent way3.good, or nice4.small and pleasing in appearance5.a neat alcoholic drink is served without any ice and is not mixed with any other liquid

1.整洁的 Hard-working—— 努力的 Neat—— 整洁的 Redolent—— 馥郁的 ...

2.整齐的 forever 永远;没完没了地 neat 整齐的 row 一排 ...

3.真整洁 8. Good 好的 9. Neat 真整洁 10. Well Done 做得好 ...

4.简洁的 panel n. 专门小组 neat a. 整洁的;简洁的;整齐的 gravity n. 严肃,认真;重要性;[物]重力 ...

5.灵巧的 nearly ad. 将近,几乎 neat a. 整洁的; 灵巧的 necessary a. 必需的,必要的 ...

6.干净 [happy and relaxed] 轻松爽快 [neat] 整洁;干净 [clear] 把问题弄清爽 ...


1."It was one guy who somehow got it in his head it would be a neat idea and put Church of Scientology San Diego on the list, " Davis told me.“就是一个家伙不知为何脑袋里冒出个好主意,把圣地亚哥山达基教会放进了名单里,”戴维斯告诉我。

2.In a neat bit of symmetry, it is Mr Huhne who must now make some long-term decisions of his own.与之形成绝妙对称的是,现在必须亲自做出一些长期决策的正是休恩本人。

3.he took out a neat business card , on which was engraved bartlett , caryoe company , and down in the left - hand corner , chas . h . drouet.他拿出一张精美的名片,上面印着“巴莱卡留公司”,左下角印着“查利赫杜洛埃。”

4.Maughan, his light brown hair brushed into a neat bouffant, stared wide-eyed at the crowd like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights.莫恩浅棕色的头发整洁而蓬松,他大睁着双眼,盯着面前的人群,如同众所周知的聚光灯笼罩下的小鹿。

5.A lot of these UI improvements seem neat and interesting, but none of them is going to be able to beat Google.许多的界面改进都十分的简洁有趣,但是没有一个能够战胜谷歌。

6.It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines.开车经过似乎连绵不断的田野或是覆盖着整齐排列的葡萄藤的整个山丘,是一件令人惊异的事。

7.Although keeping the house neat is often a constant battle, Americans feel it's a battle worth fighting.让房子维持整洁像是一场永无止尽的长期战役,美国人觉得这是值得打下去的战役。

8.neat people will toy with the idea of throwing the children out of the house just to cut down on the clutter.为了除掉不干净的东西,爱整洁的人甚至会起把孩子扔出屋外的念头。

9.Second, I prefer a neat working place. A library is always bright and clean. I will be happy to stay there all day long.其次,我更喜欢一个整洁的工作地点。图书馆总是又明亮又干净。整天呆在那里,我会感觉非常愉快。

10.and it was a great, uh, a great opportunity to be a part of that. It was really neat. -I'm real!这是一个伟大的,嗯,一个伟大的机会成为其中的一部分。这真的很整洁。