


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Singapore Airlines)新加坡航空公司

英文单词:新加坡航空公司(Singapore Airlines);半导体产业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association);新航


abbr.1.(=Singapore Airlines)新加坡航空公司

abbr.1.(=Singapore Airlines)

1.新加坡航空公司(Singapore Airlines)新加坡航空公司sia)是众所周知的赢利性最高的航空公司之一。《展翅高飞:新加坡航空公司的经营之道》深入剖析了新航如 …

2.半导体产业协会(Semiconductor Industry Association)据半导体产业协会(SIA)最近公布的国际半导体产能统计报告显示,第三季度全球加工晶圆的IC厂商的产能利用率处于纪录低点6…

3.新航早上坐了新航SIA)的hopon hopoff,凭借新航的BOARDING CARD成人只需6新币,管一天。其实我是喜欢HIPPO DUCK公 …


5.半导体协会半导体协会(SIA)最新统计显示,全球半导体08年销售减少2.8%,2001年来首见,经济不振影响需求。根据SIA最新统计,08年 …

6.卡在活动状态(stuck in active)PS:CCIE中提到另外两种分组,SIAstuck in active)状态时才出现:⑥SIA-Query ⑦SIA-Reply 拓扑表中的路由处于两种状 …


1.The aircraft, known as HB-SIA, has the wingspan of a jumbo jet but just a tiny single-person cockpit.这架名为HB-SIA的飞机虽然翼展堪比一架大型喷气客机,但却只有一个微型的单人座舱。

2.I started my own odyssey to conquering SIA since the beginning of July with my brief plan : First paper, Then oral.自从放假开始,我就开始踏上征服SIA的征程。其实我的计划还蛮简洁的:先搞定试卷,再来攻口试。

3.SIA said the price on offer was the "maximum justified on the business fundamentals. "新加坡航空表示,该出价是“东航基本面因素所能证明的最高价格”。

4.We wish to announce that the company is in an advanced stage of discussions for a potential investment, said SIA.“我想要宣布,公司对于一项很有潜力的投资谈判正处在最后阶段,”新航说。

5.The around-the-world flight is scheduled to take place in 2012 with an updated version of HB-SIA.环绕世界的飞行定于2012年,届时将起用HB-SIA更新版本。

6.When Air China did dive in three weeks later, China Eastern, SIA and Temasek still appeared to be caught off-guard.当国航在3周后开始行动时,东方航空、新加坡航空和淡马锡仍似乎对此毫无防范。

7.Slung burning asha and M'sia, I love you pvp both so much, plus you've got earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House.看着those。我要感动两个女儿萨沙和玛丽娅,我太爱你们两个了,你们将得到一条新的小狗,它将与我们一起入住白宫。

8.This caused me to hesitate for a few minutes - would I have the courage to step into the SIA cabin two hours later?这令我有数分钟的迟疑,不晓得有没有勇气在两个小时后踏入新航的机舱。

9.After more flight testing with the sun powering HB-SIA, the Solar Impulse team hopes to perform night testing later this year.HB-SIA完成多次的太阳能飞行测试之后,阳光推动团队希望今年晚些时候进行夜间飞行测试。

10.But for this SIA is giving up market share, and will be less able to profit from a quicker-than-expected rebound in traffic.但新加坡航空为此付出的代价是牺牲了市场份额,从而有损其从快于预期的运输行业复苏中获利的能力。