


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Nippon Electric Company)日本电气公司

英文单词:日电;日本电气公司(Nippon Electric Company);日本电气株式会社(Nippon Electric Co.)


abbr.1.(=Nippon Electric Company)日本电气公司2.〈美〉(=National Emergency Council)国家非常时期对策会议

abbr.1.(=Nippon Electric Company)2.<AmE>(=National Emergency Council)

1.日电日电(NEC)为其专业显示器量身定做的全自动色彩校准软件,支持日电NEC)全系列专业液晶显示器和爱色丽及蜘蛛系列 …

2.日本电气公司(Nippon Electric Company)在日本电气公司NEC)生产的高速光电耦合器中,PS2101型光电耦合器是一种通用的四脚扁平组件,它采用砷铝镓红外发光 …

3.日本电气株式会社(Nippon Electric Co.)  负责帮日本电气株式会社NEC)统筹调度个人电脑、电子零件,以贩卖至世界各地的香港NEC科技公司,即为显例。其社长 …

4.坏死性小肠结肠炎生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎NEC),多见于早产儿,目前认为与肠道发育不成熟,围产期缺氧、缺血、感染、高渗饮食等因素有 …

5.日本电器美国日本电器NEC)公司微处理机与消费电子部门总经理王国凯说,美国民主与共和两大政党总算在此一议题上有了共识。 …


1.Manufactured by the Nippon Electric Company (NEC), the drum-based machine was one of the earliest transistorized Japanese computers.由日本电气公司(NEC)研制的,这个鼓型的机器是日本最早的晶体管计算机之一。

2.Nobuhiro Endo, president of NEC, the Japanese electronics maker, said the group had so far suffered little impact from the European crisis.日本电器生产商日本电气(NEC)社长远藤信博(NobuhiroEndo)表示,该集团迄今受欧洲危机的影响不大。

3.Collecting input from both business and academia is crucial for the head of the NEC, he said.斯蒂格利茨说,同时搜集商界和学界的想法,对于国家经济委员会主任来说是至关重要的。

4.NEC continues to be one of the most devastating and unpredictable diseases affecting premature infants.NEC公司仍然是最具破坏性的和不可预测的疾病早产儿。

5.All of our accounts are electronic savings accounts with our necessity (NEC) account being the only exception; it's a checking account.我们所有的账户都是电子存款账户,只有必需账户(NEC)例外,必需账户是经常账户。

6.Conclusion: Reducing the rate of premature and asphyxia, anti-infection and feeding in reason were the key measures for presenting NEC.结论:减少早产,窒息的发生,及时控制感染,合理喂养是预防NEC的关键。

7.Mr Obama was surely wise to leave provocative economic thoughts to the NEC.奥巴马先生将这个挑拨经济的大脑安排到NEC实在世在明智不过了。

8.In 1995 a case of this serendipity occurred with my research group, then at the NEC Research Institute in Princeton, N. J.1995年,当我在美国新泽西州普林斯顿的NEC研究院工作时,我的小组就遇上这种情形。

9.But Felton came to the defence of his wizard friend when he appeared at an NEC exhibition in Birmingham.不过,在伯明翰一场NEC展览会上现身的菲尔顿为他的这位巫师朋友出言辩护。

10.High-tech company NEC has come up with a device that it says will allow users to communicate with people of different languages.据发明这款眼镜的日本高科技公司NEC(日本电气公司)称,这款眼镜可以让使用者与说不同语言的人进行交流。