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abbr.(=New Mexico)新墨西哥



abbr.1.(=New Mexico)新墨西哥2.(=nuclear moment)核矩3.(=nautical mile(s))海里

abbr.1.(=New Mexico)2.(=nuclear moment)3.(=nautical mile(s))

1.新墨西哥州 lli - 经纬度指示器 N.M. 新墨西哥州 FW 快写 ...

2.海里 ACE 自动呼叫装置 n.m. 海里 istm 我认为 ...

3.扭矩尾 分数 生产 驱动 车重(kg) 动力(马力) 扭矩(N.m.) 极速(KPH) 0-100(s) 0-160(s) 刹车100-0(s) Audi S3 N 8.79 European 4WD …

4.扭力范围可调扭力范围(N.m.) : 2 N.m. to 10 N.m.(牛顿/米)可调扭力范围(Kgf.m.) : 0.204 kgf.m. to 1.02 kgf.m.(公斤/米) 精确度: ±6 %制 …


1.Terracotta is designed with total HA in mind (n+m redundancy--as many backups as you want, continuous upgrades with no downtime, etc. ).Terracotta设计时就考虑了全面的HA(n+m冗余度——你可以有任意多的备份,不停机的持续升级,等等)。

2.As a special case of the previous example, a segment of integers, [N. . M] can be thought of as a category.上边例子的特殊情况一个整数片断[N..M]可以被认为是一个范畴。

3.Interpretation is an impromptu oral activity in which information is an4-n. M bin a aerate language into a target language.口译是指用口头表达方式将原语信息转换为译语信息的一种即席翻译活动。

4.Did the U. S. government hide evidence of a crashed alien spacecraft in Roswell, N. M. ?美国政府是否隐藏了外星飞船在罗斯维尔地区坠毁的证据呢?

5.No table may contain two or more 1: n or n: m relationships that are not directly related.没有表会包含两个或更多一对多或多对多的关系,如果这些关系不是直接相关的话。

6.In the distance education site at Gallup, N. M. , we realized that the context is organized around a new set of relationships.在远程教育网站上盖洛普新墨西哥州,我们认识到的范围是围绕着一套新的关系。

7.Four weeks after first meeting, we impulsively took a road trip from Minneapolis to Taos, N. M. , for some skiing.我们初次相见后四个星期,就冲动地从明尼阿波利斯驱车前往新墨西哥州的陶斯滑冰。

8."Doing simple things could drastically reduce your energy costs, by 40%, " says Oru Bose, a sustainable-design architect in Santa Fe, N. M.“一些简单的东西就能大大减少您的能耗,高达40%,”OruBose说,他是一位来自新墨西哥州圣塔菲的可持续设计建筑师。

9.Mexican raiders led by Pancho Villa attacked Columbus, N. M. , killing more than a dozen people.年,PanchoVilla率领的墨西哥入侵者袭击了新墨西哥州哥伦布,数十人被杀。

10.He promoted similar programs during his three terms as mayor of Albuquerque, N. M.他在任新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基市长期间推广了类似的计划。
