


美式发音: 英式发音: 

英文单词:维护;轨道角动量(orbital angular momentum);操作管理维护(Operation Administration and Maintenance)


abbr.1.Medal of the Order of Australia

1.维护运行及维护(OAM)/网路管理I610 DE/NA-52209DTR/NA-52204 DE/NA-52806〖〗 在制定中 信令(UNI) Q93B(基本 …

2.轨道角动量(orbital angular momentum)研究轨道角动量OAM)复用机理,研究在无线和光纤上OAM复用情况下香农信息论的发展,提出OAM产生、调制、发射、复 …

3.操作管理维护(Operation Administration and Maintenance)四、操作管理维护功能 四、操作管理维护功能 通常将操作管理维护OAM)功能分成两部分,即 光接入网(OAN)特有的OA…

4.访问管理(Oracle Access Manager)SSO不够强大,你需要使用OAMoracle access manager)。这个软件可以直接安装在目前所有常用的j2ee应用服务器上,接 …

5.运行维护管理从广义的角度讲,只要是基于分组交换技术,并 能够满足传送网对于运行维护管理(OAM)、保护和网管等方面的要求,就可以 …



1.This example shows that the WebSphere MQ classes in RACF do not provide as granular of access for MQI operations as the OAM does.这个例子表明RACF中的WebSphereMQ类不像OAM那样提供对MQI操作的细粒度访问级别。

2.Previous work has shown that the OAM of a laser beam containing many photons in the same mode can be measured.先前的工作已经证明,同一模式的包含许多光子的轨道角动量是能够测量的。

3.Telecommunications - Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAM&P) - Network Tones and Announcements.远程通信。操作、管理、维护和保障(OAM&P)。网络音调和播音。

4.The mqm user ID and group are essentially exempt from security enforced by the OAM, since their access cannot be revoked.mqm用户ID和组基本上不能受到OAM实施的安全保护,因为不能回收它们的访问权限。

5.OAM profiles do not have anything corresponding to the UACC; a user is either included in the access list or is not.OAM概要文件不存在与UACC对应的地方;用户可以包含或未包含在访问列表中。

6.It also addresses OAM issues as they relate to the reference configuration at the user access and to the interface specifications.当OAM与在用户接入的参考配置和接口规范有关时,本建议也谈到OAM问题。

7.On UNIX, since access is managed at the group level, this means that the OAM gives access to the primary group for the user ID.在UNIX上,由于访问权限是在组级别上管理的,这意味着OAM为用户ID提供访问主要组的权限。

8.The OAM runs in a threaded environment, so you must use the threaded versions of these libraries.OAM是在一个线程化的环境中运行的,因此必须使用这些库的线程化版本。

9.Centralized management support provides better OAM&P support for in-network deployment in service provider networks.提供集中的管理支持,可以为服务提供商网络中的部署提供更好的OAM&P支持。

10.Other construction appearance, size and fittings are the same as OAM raised floor .其他外形结构尺寸及配件与OAM地板完全一致。