


美式发音: [ˈkrəʊnəs] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Greek Myths]in Greek mythology, a titan who ruled the world until his son Zeus dethroned him

1.克洛诺斯克洛诺斯(Cronus):既罗马神话中的农神,撒特恩(Saturn),土星。前奥林匹斯神祗之一,天神乌拉诺和地母该亚之子,宙斯之 …

2.克罗诺斯其中克罗诺斯Cronus)背叛了自己的父亲乌拉诺斯,成为 泰坦神族的领袖,配偶是他的姐妹瑞亚(Rhea)。而克罗诺斯的儿 …

3.凯路仕苏州凯路仕CRONUS)专卖店版块搜索 全部 精华 投票 图片帖 全部 日志 用户 版块 群组 普通主题 新窗 排序:最新发帖 | 最 …

4.天神克洛诺斯天神克洛诺斯cronus):克洛诺斯是泰坦巨神,为该亚所生的最小的儿子,他后来推翻了他父亲乌拉诺斯,成为第二个统治 …

5.卡罗拉斯卡罗拉斯Cronus),泰坦巨人之一,黄金时代宇宙的统治者,象征时间。 Cloth:布料 克罗托(Clotho),纺织女神,是三 …


7.克罗那斯克罗那斯Cronus)造反后,当了皇帝,由於先前的篡位经验,他也怕被子女篡位!所以他要老婆利亚(Rhea)每次分娩后必 …


1.Cronus is time creativity and destructive combination, his wife is in charge of the goddess of deserting Rhea.克洛诺斯是时间的创造力和破坏力的结合体,他的妻子是掌管岁月流逝的女神瑞亚。

2.Zeus was saved by his mother, who gave Cronus a stone dressed as a baby to swallow.宙斯的妈妈用一个装扮成婴儿样子的石头代替他被吞掉了。

3.Rhea commanded the eagle to sachet him on the way. He was taken to an island far beyond the watchful eyes of Cronus.瑞亚命令神鹰一路上保护宙斯,并把他带到了一个远离克罗诺斯的岛屿上。

4.The children of Cronus were angry , and their father was angry too.克洛诺斯的孩子们很生气,克洛诺斯也很生气。

5.Cronus attacked Uranus with a sickle and cut off his sexual organs and threw them into the sea.克洛诺斯用一把镰刀割下了父亲的生殖器,抛入了海中。

6.Cronus learned from his father that one of his own sons would take away his power.克洛诺斯从他父亲那知他的一个儿子将会夺走他的权力。

7.Cronus n. Greek Mythology A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus.克罗诺斯希腊神话中的一个提坦,在被他的儿子宙斯废黜之前一直统治着宇宙

8.Hera(Juno), Known to us chiefly as the wife of Zeus, was a daughter of Cronus and Rhea.提到赫拉(朱诺),我们大抵都知道她是宙斯的妻子;她原来是克洛诺斯和瑞亚的女儿。

9.Hera , known to us chiefly as the wife of Zeus, was a daughter of Cronus and Rhea.提到赫拉,我们大都知道她是宙斯的妻子;她是克洛诺斯和瑞亚的女儿。

10.When Zeus grew up, he decided to avenge his brothers and sisters, and Cronus was tricked[3] into coughing his children out.宙斯长大后,他决定为他的兄弟姐妹报仇。克罗诺斯被骗,吐出了他的孩子们。