


网络释义:全混合日粮(Total Mixed Ration);奶牛全混合日粮;全混日粮


1.全混合日粮(Total Mixed Ration)6热环境对奶牛采食量的影响... 发酵饲料在当前养殖业中的... 科技开发计划课题申报书-与... 新型 …

4.三模冗余(triple modular redundancy)第6章 三模冗余(tmr)的健壮性↓展开全部内容评论交流 共有0人开贴评论  0人参与评论  0人参与打分 查看     《基于sram的fpga容错 …

5.隧道磁电阻(Tunnel Magneto-resistance)供应隧道磁电阻TMR)芯片,MMA153F系列传感器型号/规格:MMA153F 品牌/商标:MDT 一、隧道磁电阻(TMR)芯片介绍…


7.奶牛全混日粮应用奶牛全混日粮TMR)的注意事项……………………… 四川省畜牧科学研究院 龙火生等(400)WL系列紫花苜蓿为中国乳 …


1.We explore theoretically the relation between the structure and the TMR of a tunnepng junction composed by three FM layers.从理论上研究了由三铁磁层组成的隧道电阻效应和结构的关系。

2.It was also found that TMR increases with the increase of potential in organic layer.而且,从计算结果还可以看出随着有机层势垒的增加,TMR将增大。

3.The interface for the TMR is the Tivop desktop -- shown in Figure 5.TMR的界面是Tivop桌面——如图5所示。

4.Modernized diary farm in Zhangwu adopted total mixed ration (TMR), and Haipn farmadopted quasi-TMR.彰武现代化奶牛场采用全混合日粮(TMR),而海林农场采用准TMR。

5.Using VHDL we achieve the Error Detection and Correction circuits which are respectively based on extended hamming code and TMR.使用VHDL语言分别实现了扩展汉明码检错纠错电路与TMR检错纠错电路。

6.This thesis describes in detail the Error Detection and Correction principle of (22, 16) extended hamming code and TMR.本论文详细阐述了(22,16)扩展汉明码与TMR的检错纠错原理。

7.Finally, we have a test with distributed heterogeneous TMR safety control unit.最后,对整套系统进行了性能的测试和可靠性的评估。

8.What is OT feedback from TMR of other team according to your understanding?据你的了解,其他团队的员工对加班的反馈是

9.Research and Implementation about Permanent Fault Recovery Mechanism of a TMR Sever一种TMR容错服务器永久故障恢复机制的研究与实现

10.we make it, our actions shape tmr, we can use the brains and guts to built paradise(or at least try)我们塑造世界,我们的行动创造明天,我们用我们的智慧与勇气建造天堂(至少我们可以试试)