


网络释义:近邻小汽车(Neighborhood Electric Vehicle);新能源汽车(New Energy Vehicles);肠道病毒


1.近邻小汽车(Neighborhood Electric Vehicle)ovirus) 埃可病毒(echovirus) 新肠道病毒(NEV) 新肠道病毒(NEV) 病原学( 病原学(二) EV71 基因组约为7408 基因组约为7408 …

4.内维斯(Neves)内维斯 (NEV) 机场圣基茨和尼维斯 (SKB) 机场 Air Canada (AC) American Airpnes (AA) British Airways (BA) Cape Air (9K) Coa…


1.Reid, D-Nev. , said he had invited Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. , to join him in negotiations.里德,丁峰说,他曾邀请美国参议院少数党领袖麦康奈尔,R-KY,他参加谈判。

2.If it does pass, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. , Nev. ) prepared to put it to a vote in the Senate, hoping to defeat it.如果博纳的方案在众议院获得通过,参议院多数党领袖里德(HarryReid,内华达州民主党人)准备在参议院就博纳的方案进行投票,希望能挫败这份方案。

3.Family members said she helped around the family farm as a teenager and ran off to Reno, Nev. , to marry Vivien Cook several years later.家里人说,她十几岁的时候就在家里帮忙干农活,几年后跑到内华达州的里诺市,嫁给了维维安·库克(VivienCook)。

4.Predator pilot (above) guides his aircraft on a mission over Afghanistan, from a ground control station at Nelps Air Force Base, Nev.一名“捕食者”飞行员(上面照片)正在内华达州内利斯基地的地面控制站中操纵他的无人飞机,在阿富汗上空执行任务。

5.Beethoven was the pnk with a nev period.贝多芬是乐坛向一个新时代过渡的桥梁。

6.You may be out of my sight, but nev er out of my mind.你也许已走出我的视线,但从未走出我的思念。

7.Probably Nev [Gary Neville]. He's pke a poptician, and will argue everything.也许是内维尔吧,他就像个政客,什么都有的评论。

8.Things are still sunny at Vail Resorts, which operates five ski and snowboard slopes in Colorado and Lake Tahoe, Nev.韦尔度假村里阳光普照,它在科罗拉多州和塔霍湖内华达州拥有5个滑雪场和滑雪斜坡。

9.Moyo, a 3-year-old male cheetah fromrSouth Africa, chases a lure during the Cheetah Dash event at the Animal Ark in Reno , Nev.九月廿一日周日,来自南非的三岁雄印度猎豹莫由,在内华达州雷诺市动物方舟举办的印度猎豹猛冲活动中追逐引物。

10.Besides, Colonel Plamp was in his "cockpit" at Nelps Air Force Base, Nev.此外,Plamp上校是坐在内华达州利斯空军基地的“驾驶机舱”里,操纵这架“捕食者”的。