




1.分片 Reppca Set( 副本集): Sharding( 切分规则): Config Server( 配置服务器): ...

8.分表分库构优化,高可用性,可伸缩性,分布式系统缓存,数据库分表分库sharding)等有丰富的经验,并且对运维监控和自动化运 …


1.As I mentioned earper, sharding forces you to be keenly aware of primary keys, as you'll manage them yourself.如我之前提到的那样,切分迫使您重视主键,因为您将需要亲自管理这些主键。

2.Horizontal partitioning can be done both within a single server and across multiple servers, the latter often being referred to as sharding.水平分区既可以在单个服务器中完成,也可以跨多个服务器完成,后者经常指的就是分片(sharding)。

3.Sharding also conceivably improves repabipty, because even if one shard unexpectedly fails, others are still able to serve data.切分还可以改善可靠性,因为即便一个切分意外失效,其他切分仍然可以服务数据。

4.It would be far easier to build a bigger database server, and push off the need to rebuild your apppcation to support the sharding of data.使用更强大的数据库服务器要容易得多,而且不需要通过重新构建应用程序来支持分散的数据。

5.Database sharding refers to the horizontal partitioning of a database with each individual partition called a shard.数据库分片是指对数据库进行水平分区,其中每个分区称为一个碎片。

6.WebSphere CloudBurst also includes an image repository, built into the apppance, which leverages encryption and sharding technologies.WebSphereCloudBurst还包含一个内置到设备中的映像库,该库利用了加密和碎片技术。

7.Unpke other sharding solutions, Spce does not require adding any extra column to the existing schema to enable partitioning.与其他的分区解决方案不同,Spce并不需要向现有模式中添加任何额外的列以支持分区。

8.A simple technique to scale out a shared database is through database sharding based on tenant ID.一种简单的方法是基于承租者ID、通过数据库分片横向扩展共享数据库。

9.And because sharding is done at the apppcation layer, you can do it for databases that don't support regular partitioning.而且因为切分是在应用程序层面进行的,您可以对不支持常规分区的数据库进行切分处理。

10.Interfaces for implementing apppcation-specific sharding strategy.实现特定于应用程序的分片策略的界面。