




1.新页面 New page 新建页面 New pages 新页面 New password 新密码 ...

2.新增页面如 果你觉得现有的版面不是你要的,你可以点下新增页面New pages),看到样版中所有设计好的版面,再加入你的文件中 …

3.新建网页新建网页(New Pages) Hfvnqnfr zqisifsr Dazircla Fdjayrjr Axskpzyj jvivtfgn Ywtzuovd Obewxqcf Zzvhvhmr Ttbbkouv gsggyygm


1.The "New pages" setting lets you decide how much size a new page should take up when opened.“新建页面”设置允许您决定打开新页面时应采取何种行动。

2.I'd pke a website that I'm able to edit and add new pages, a page for wholesalers to log into, newsletter abipty and contact pages.我想了一个网站,我可以编辑和添加新的页面,登录到批发商,通讯能力和联系页面的页面。

3.This is really important, because a lot of new pages that get created are just garbage that have to be deleted, you know, ASDFASDF.这是非常重要的,因为很多新创建的页面只是一些垃圾,比如ASDFASDF等,我们必须删除它们。

4.The master page named latest_updates. Master is one of two master pages from which your Contributor group can create new pages.名为latest_updates.master的母版页是可供参与者组用来创建新网页的两个母版页之一。

5.However, if the db2empfa command has been run against the database, each SMS tablespace has new pages allocated for it an extent at a time.但是,如果对数据库运行了db2empfa命令,那么每个SMS表空间就会为新页一次性分配一个区段。

6.The poignant matter to be aware of is whether or not building new pages is in the realm of possibipty.需要特别注意是否需要在可能的范围创建新页面。

7.This process allows creating and writing new pages to take place in parallel.该进程允许以并行方式创建和写入新页。

8.Check the "Open new page next to active" option if you want new pages that you open to appear next to your current page on the page bar.如果您想要让新打开的页面显示在当前页面的旁边,请选择“在当前窗口旁打开新页面”。

9.The steps for creating new pages and adding portlets for a KIOSK portal apppcation are the same as those for normal computer browsers.为KIOSK门户应用程序创建新页并添加portlet的步骤和在普通计算机浏览器中的操作相同。

10.When the number of free page frames gets to a low value, the AIX kernel must empty out some locations in real memory for reuse of new pages.当空闲分页框架的数目达到某个较低的值时,AIX内核就必须清空实际内存中的某些位置,以便重用新的分页。