




1.纽约洋基剧情简介 - 主创人员 - 关于演员 - 幕后故事 共被3位作者编辑7次, …

4.纽约扬基棒球队纽约扬基棒球队 (New York Yankees) 会员队权利估值:8.49亿美元。来源:Forbes网址被屏蔽: http://www.forbes网址被屏蔽/free_forbes/20…

5.纽约洋基棒球队纽约洋基棒球队New York Yankees)的球员玛里安诺·李维拉(Mariano Rivera)上周比赛前交叉韧带和半月板受伤后,多次 …


1.A typical player for the New York Yankees, which had some of the most expensive players in the game at the time, earned less than $450, 000.而纽约扬基队那时虽拥有一些最贵的球员,但普通球员的报酬低于45万美元。

2.Bank of America (BofA) has put off a juicy long-term deal with the New York Yankees and extended its existing contract for a year.美国银行推迟了一项金额巨大的赞助纽约扬基队的长期合约,仅将现有合同延长一年。

3.Jason, Victor, AJ, and Van are on the way to see a professional baseball game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the New York Yankees.杰森、维特、亚杰和维一起去看职棒纽约的洋基队对密尔瓦基的酿酒人队比赛的路上。

4.In July 2008, during a series against the hated New York Yankees, Ramirez asked out of a game with an injury.2008年7月,在对纽约洋基队的憎恨系列,拉米雷斯问出了一个具有受伤的游戏。

5.the crash killed a member of the new york yankees baseball team and one other man , said to be the baseball player ' s fpght instructor.撞机事件导致纽约洋基棒球队队员科里。利德尔和另外一人丧生,据说是他的飞行指导。

6.New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez admitted he took banned substances from 2001 to 2003.年,纽约洋基队选手阿历克斯·罗德里格斯承认,从2001年到2003年他携带过违禁物质。

7.The New York Yankees are just a win away from winning the World Series.纽约洋基队只需要一次客场胜利就可以赢得世界系列赛。

8.Up to the end of the term, that is. I hate Incompletes almost as much as I hate the New York Yankees.我厌恶未完成的作业的程度,和厌恶纽约洋基队的程度差不了多少。

9.Meanwhile, the New York Yankees agreed in January to send scouts and coaches to China to help develop talent.与此同时,今年1月,纽约扬基队(NewYorkYankees)也同意向中国派遣球探和教练,以协助培养人才。

10.Sports Illustrated is reporting that New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids back in 2003.体育画报报道说纽约扬基队击球手亚历克斯。罗德里格斯2003年类固醇测试呈阳性。