


网络释义:下一代便携(Next Generation Portable)


1.下一代便携(Next Generation Portable).回复 收起回复 1 第二贴,全程偷拍 2 [到货属性]萌 …


1.Sony said the NGP will not go on sale until around the year-end and decpned to give pricing details.索尼称大约今年年底附近才能发售NGP,且拒绝提供设备定价细节。

2.I rarely call a device "sexy, " as I prefer using the term when discussing actual people, but I will admit that the NGP is sexy.我很少形容机器为“性感”,因为我更喜欢使用来形容一个人,但我得承认,NGP是性感的。

3.Not only does Sony again take a cut of the action, but the games also work on the NGP (albeit without tapping its advanced features).这样,不仅仅索尼能够参与这一行动,这些游戏也可以在NGP上运行(尽管不能利用到NGP的先进技术)。

4.And as with its rival, NGP games work only on NGPs.与其竞争对手一样,NGP游戏只能在NGP上玩。

5.In the game segment, we have the NGP to launch later this year.在游戏这一领域,我们的NGP将会于今年上市。

6.You play the game on your PS3 at home, and out and about you play the same game and same save on your NGP.你玩游戏的PS3的在家里你,和你出来玩相同的游戏,同时节省您的NGP。