


网络释义:保安院(Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency);日本原子力安全保安院;原子能安全保安院


1.保安院(Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency)v/hr的辐射迅速消减。事实上,在过去的几天中,根据日本原子能安全院NISA)提供的资料,侦测到的数值绝大多数时候是 …


1.What the press release actually said was that some of TEPCO's periodic equipment checks were behind schedule, said the spokesman.NISA发言人说,他们当时发布的新闻所指的是东京电力公司没有按预定计划进行定期的设备检修。

2.I ended up taking Noor Nisa, her mother, and her husband to the hospital, where she depvered a baby girl.在我把努尔·尼萨、她的母亲和丈夫送到了医院以后,努尔·尼萨生下了一个女婴。

3.NISA said it has alerted the agriculture ministry about possible ramifications for the seafood industry.原子力安全保安院说,已经就对海产品行业可能产生的影响向日本农业省发出警告。

4.Company Nisa dominant manufacture in this business, and made large profit previously.N通信公司在该市场中占主导地位,并取得了丰厚的利润。

5.These included caesium-137 and iodine-131, Nisa said, noting that levels began to decrease after some time.这里包括铯-137和碘-131,并指出,经过一段时间(放射性)水平已开始下降。

6."It's a harsh environment for humans to work inside, " said Hidehiko Nishiyama of Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (Nisa).“对于人类进行工作,那是个恶劣的环境,”日本核与工业安全部(Nisa)的HidehikoNishiyama说。

7."It is not correct, " a spokesman for Japan's nuclear safety watchdog, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA), told New Scientist.“那是不正确的,”日本核能安全监管机构——原子能安全保安院(NISA)的一位发言人告诉《新科学家》周刊说。

8.Excavations in Nisa, later renamed Mithradatkirt, have uncovered Mithraic mausoleums and shrines.出土于尼撒,后来命名为密特拉达克特,打开了密特拉陵墓和神殿。

9.It says that NISA warned TEPCO about its failure to inspect critical machinery at the plant, including recirculation pumps.原子力安全保安院就未能检查核电站关键设备,包括再循环泵,对东京电力公司提出了警告。

10.Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) also stressed the difference between Chernobyl and Fukushima.日本核工业安全机构也强调福岛与切尔诺贝利是不同的。