




1.表示弹出所有标签 3、SWAP 交换标签 untagged 表示弹出所有标签 X C 47 去一个网络的下一 …

2.标记ort trunk pvid vlan 5 A. 未标记untagged)帧会缺省打上VLAN1的标记 B. 未标记(untagged)帧会自动打上VLAN5的标记 …

4.带标记 ... no-float 不浮动的 untagged 无标记的 stressless 无应力的 ...

6.加标记封装类型为802.1q的trunk中继接口,可以接收“带标记(tagged)”和“未加标记untagged)”的数据。缺省时,交换机会用该端口 …


1.Furthermore, 41 Honor is awarded for each intact and untagged tower, as well as a standing Captain, at the end of the game.不止如此,现在战斗结束时每一个完好无损的哨塔,以及存活的上尉,都能给你41点荣誉。

2.Satelpte tagging had proved itself an efficient method for locating concentrations of the untagged .事实证明,卫星标签是定位鲸群的一种有效方式。

3.At last, an untagged corpus was used to test the model and the result is very good, which proves the superiority of the model.最后,采用一个未经过标注的语料库进行测试,取得了非常好的效果,证明了模型的优越性。

4.It sppts the untagged table into rows and columns, and then inducts headers and merges cells.对非标记化表格进行行列划分,然后进行标题归纳和单元格合并。

5.PVID - The port is an untagged member of the default VLAN.该端口是缺省VLAN的一个非标记成员。

6.Forwards untagged frames from VLANs in which it is a member.对来自成员的VLAN的非标记帧进行转发。