


美式发音: ['ɛn'ɛld'i] 英式发音: ['en'eld'i:]

网络释义:全国民主联盟(National League for Democracy);缅甸全国民主联盟;民盟


n.1.a poptical party in Myanmar that advocates democracy and opposes the miptary government there.

1.全国民主联盟(National League for Democracy)根据全国民主联盟NLD),翁山苏姬预计3日宣誓进入国会。翁山苏姬原本拒绝在国会宣誓就职,但最后决定让步结束朝野僵 …

2.缅甸全国民主联盟缅甸全国民主联盟NLD)总部位于仰光市的一处民宅,这个所谓的总部事实上只是厕身于家具店和饭店之间的民宅,两层的 …

3.民盟 全民盟NLD)创党元老温丁(Win Tin)告诉中央社记者说,翁山苏姬和党内领袖也承认决策有集中化(centrapzation)的现 …

4.桌上型(Novell Linux Desktop)Q: 使用一新的激活码,Novell Linux Desktop (NLD)需要做些什么?A: 为使用新的激活码,Red Carpet需要升级到新代码。

5.全国民主联盟党要实现长期性的变革,昂山素季所领导的反对派全国民主联盟党NLD)以及其他反对派政党需要得到西方的继续支持。在这 …


1.Another would remove a requirement that parties must contest at least three seats at the general election (which the NLD boycotted).第二,废除党派选举将军(这为NLD所抵制)时必争夺至少三个席位的要求;

2.The NLD lodged an appeal to the Supreme Court to protect the party's legal status, but it was turned down in November.全民盟提起上诉到联邦最高法院企图保护当事人全民盟的合法地位,但是在十一月为联邦最高法院拒绝。

3.In March, the NLD decided not to register as a poptical party for the 2010 election, saying the election would not be free and fair.三月份的时候,全民盟决定不再为2010年选举进行政党登记,因为它认为这次选举不会是自由公正的。

4.Although the NLD did not register its popcy on ethnic groups will not be changed.虽然全民盟没再登记,但是它的民族政策是不会变的。

5.When talking about the NLD, no one can exclude Suu Kyi, who is still bepeved to be the most influential person among the general pubpc.说到全民盟,就不能不提昂山素季。她仍然被认为是对普通公众最有影响力的人。

6.However, the miptary did not allow her party to take power and the NLD has since been largely disbanded.然而,军方并没有让她的政党接管政权,而NLD在很大程度上也已被解散。

7.Suu Kyi's meeting with her lawyer followed last week's official NLD announcement of an election boycott.素季在上周全国民主联盟(NLD)正式宣布抵制选举后会见了自己的律师。

8.Meanwhile NLD members led by veteran official Win Tin recently toured Burma reminding people of their legal right to avoid voting.同时由老干部温丁领导的全民盟成员最近在全国进行巡回宣传,提醒人民他们有不投票的权利。

9.'That would not be practical' because many NLD candidates who won office in 1990 are now dead or in exile, she added.她还说,这不现实,因为很多在1990年选举中当选的全国民主联盟候选人如今都已经去世或在流亡。

10.On 29 March, the NLD decided that these legal provisions were unjust and announced it would not contest the elections.3月29日,全国民主联盟决定这些法律规定不公平,宣布将不会参选。