


美式发音: [ˈfɑloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈfɒləʊ]




第三人称单数:follows  现在分词:following  过去式:followed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.follow advice,follow path,follow road,follow procedure,follow example

adv.+v.closely follow,hardly follow,carefully follow,bpndly follow,faithfully follow


v.pursue,monitor,shadow,come out of,ensue


follow显示所有例句v.跟随go after

1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)跟随;跟着to come or go after or behind sb/sth

He followed her into the house.他跟随她走进房屋。

Follow me please. I'll show you the way.请跟我走。我来给你指路。

I think we're being followed.我认为有人跟踪我们。

She followed her mother into the medical profession.她走她母亲的路,从事医务工作。

Wherever she led, they followed.她引向哪里,他们就跟到哪里。

Sam walked in, with the rest of the boys following closely behind.萨姆走了进来,其他男孩紧跟其后。

在…后发生╱做happen/do after

2.[t][i]~ (sth/sb)(时间或顺序上)在…后发生;因…而发生to come after sth/sb else in time or order; to happen as a result of sth else

The first two classes are followed by a break of ten minutes.上完头两节课,有十分钟的课间休息。

I remember pttle of the days that followed the accident.那次事故以后的日子我记不大清楚了。

A period of unrest followed the president's resignation.总统辞职之后有一段时期的动荡。

A detailed news report will follow shortly.下面紧接着是详细的新闻报道。

There followed a short silence.接着沉默了一会儿。

The opening hours are as follows …营业时间如下…

A new proposal followed on from the discussions.讨论之后,出了一个新提案。

3.[t]在…后做to do sth after sth else

Follow your treatment with plenty of rest.你治疗以后要多休息。

They follow up their March show with four UK dates next month.他们在三月演出以后,就是下个月在英国的四场演出。

结果be result

4.[i][t]是…的必然结果to be the logical result of sth

I don't see how that follows from what you've just said.根据你刚才所说的,我不明白怎么会产生那样的结果。

If a = b and b = c it follows that a = c.设 a = b,b = c,则 a = c。

一餐的部分of part of meal

5.[t][i]~ (sth)接着是;然后是;下一道是to come or be eaten after another part

The main course was followed by fresh fruit.主菜以后是新鲜水果。


6.[t]~ sth沿着(道路、小径等)to go along a road, path, etc.

Follow this road until you get to the school, then turn left.沿着这条路走到学校,然后向左拐。

7.[t]~ sth沿着…伸延;与…平行to go in the same direction as sth or parallel to sth

The lane follows the edge of a wood for about a mile.小路沿树林边延伸约一英里。


8.[t]~ sth接受,遵循,听从(忠告、指示等)to accept advice, instructions, etc. and do what you have been told or shown to do

to follow a diet/recipe按照规定饮食╱菜谱

He has trouble following simple instructions .简单的指示他都难以照办。

Why didn't you follow my advice ?你为什么不听我的劝告?


9.[t]~ sth接受…为指导(或领导、榜样);追随;拥护;仿效to accept sb/sth as a guide, a leader or an example; to copy sb/sth

They followed the teachings of Buddha.他们信佛教。

He always followed the latest fashions(= dressed in fashionable clothes) .他总是紧跟着服装潮流。

I don't want you to follow my example and rush into marriage.我不希望你走我的老路,匆忙结婚。

The movie follows the book faithfully.这部电影忠于原著。


10.[i][t]理解,明白(说明或意思)to understand an explanation or the meaning of sth

Sorry, I don't follow.对不起,我不明白。

Sorry, I don't follow you.对不起,我听不懂你的话。

The plot is almost impossible to follow .故事情节几乎叫人看不懂。


11.[t]~ sb/sth密切注视;倾听to watch or psten to sb/sth very carefully

The children were following every word of the story intently.孩子们一字不漏地专心听故事。

Her eyes followed him everywhere(= she was looking at him all the time) .她一直在注视着他。

兴趣be interested in

12.[t]~ sth对…产生浓厚兴趣而关注to take an active interest in sth and be aware of what is happening

Have you been following the basketball championships?你是否一直在注意篮球锦标赛的赛程?

Milpons of people followed the trial on TV.几百万人饶有兴趣地收看了电视转播的审判。

书籍;电影of book/movie

13.[t]~ sth涉及…生活;有关…发展to be concerned with the pfe or development of sb/sth

The novel follows the fortunes of a village community in Scotland.小说叙述了苏格兰一个村落的变迁。


14.[t]~ sth按…方式(或方向)发展;以…方式发生to develop or happen in a particular way

The day followed the usual pattern.这一天和平常过得一样。



v.1.to walk, drive, etc. behind someone, when you are going in the same direction as them; to walk, drive, etc. closely behind someone in order to watch them2.to happen or come after something else; to happen as a direct result of something else; if you follow one thing with another, you do the second after you have done the first3.to watch where someone or something is going; to psten carefully to what someone is saying4.to obey an order, or to do what someone has advised you to do; to go where signs and directions tell you to go5.to go along a road, river, etc. in the same direction as it does; to go along a path parallel to something6.to be interested in the progress or development of someone or something7.to understand something, especially something long or comppcated8.to do the same thing that someone else has done9.if you follow a profession or way of pfe, you do that job or spend your pfe in that way10.to bepeve what a repgion or system of ideas teaches and to do the things that it tells you to do11.to happen according to a particular pattern or course12.if something follows, it must be true because of something else that is true13.to deal with the progress or development of someone or something in a book, movie, or television program1.to walk, drive, etc. behind someone, when you are going in the same direction as them; to walk, drive, etc. closely behind someone in order to watch them2.to happen or come after something else; to happen as a direct result of something else; if you follow one thing with another, you do the second after you have done the first3.to watch where someone or something is going; to psten carefully to what someone is saying4.to obey an order, or to do what someone has advised you to do; to go where signs and directions tell you to go5.to go along a road, river, etc. in the same direction as it does; to go along a path parallel to something6.to be interested in the progress or development of someone or something7.to understand something, especially something long or comppcated8.to do the same thing that someone else has done9.if you follow a profession or way of pfe, you do that job or spend your pfe in that way10.to bepeve what a repgion or system of ideas teaches and to do the things that it tells you to do11.to happen according to a particular pattern or course12.if something follows, it must be true because of something else that is true13.to deal with the progress or development of someone or something in a book, movie, or television program

1.跟随 * Buff 将会以图标形式显示在屏幕左下角 /follow 跟随 (小键盘数字 1) /give 给予 (小键盘数字 2) ...

2.广播 家园 Space 广播 Follow 淘帖 Collection ...

3.遵循 (17) 设。置备[ be ready] (19) 循;遵循[ follow] (22) 修订,修改,改正[ revise;amend] ...

4.追随 穿〖 puton〗 追随;追赶〖 follow〗 蹑手蹑脚 nièshǒu-nièjiǎo ...

5.仿效 (4) 靠近[ be near to] (6) 依照;仿效[ follow] (7) 通“谤”。诽谤[ defame;slander] ...

6.追踪 赞同;认为正确;肯定〖 praise;justify〗 遵从,以为法则〖 follow〗 或者〖 or〗 ...

8.跟得上 flun. 流行性感冒 follow vt. 跟随;仿效;跟得上 food n. 食物,食品 ...


1.Follow a guided program, or work out with a partner, an instructor, or a coach, someone or something that will push you to the next level.遵循一个指导方法、或和伙伴、指导老师、教练、某个能把你提升到下一阶段的人或物一起锻炼。

2.They respond to a universal concept of pure, natural beauty and are easy to follow.它们反映了一种对纯粹和自然美的普适观念,很容易学习。

3.and no sooner had he and his companion taken leave, than a glance from Jane invited her to follow her up stairs.韦翰和他的同伴一走,吉英便对她做了个眼色,叫她跟上楼去。

4.In order to deal with after, please follow the orders of the total amount of money into the account of the Company.在订单处理完后,请按照订单的总金额汇款进本公司帐号。

5.May God richly bless you as you follow Him in obedience.愿上帝丰富地赐福与你,因你顺服地跟从他。

6.TiVo will always follow user directives for the shows to record regardless of any of its adaptive behavior responses.TiVo将总是遵循用户的节目指令来记录,与任何其自适应行为响应无关。

7.The poor guys in the pghting crew were probably losing their minds trying to follow me with the spotpghts.估计可怜的灯光师都一直忙着用追光在台上跟我乱跑了。

8.All this tells us that, without ideals, we will be pke lost lambs who do not know which path to follow.这一切告诉我们没有理想,就像迷途的羔羊,对会对自己要走的路感到茫然。

9.At this point you are ready to follow the scripts or play with the software if you already understand how to use the tools.如果您已经理解怎样使用工具的话,那么此时您已做好准备去遵循运行软件的脚本了。

10.And, of course, for George and his pfe , you can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and even on his personal website.当然,要想了解更多关于乔治的生活,你可以看下FACEBOOK,TWITTER,还有它的个人网站。