


美式发音: [ˌen el ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌen el ˈpiː]


英文单词:自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing);神经语言程式学(Neuro-Linguistic Programming);身心语言程式学



n.1.natural language processing: the activity of using computers to produce or understand natural language2.neurolinguistic programming: a way of changing the relationship between someones mind and language in order to affect their behavior

1.自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing)涉及自然语言处理NLP)与信息检索(IR)。在这些领域主要采用数据驱动的实证验证法(data-driven, empirical approach…

2.神经语言程式学(Neuro-Linguistic Programming)与神经语言程式学NLP)一样,企业教练课程的多种工具可以教给个人更有建设性的思考与行动模式,应该说与心理治疗是 …

3.身心语言程式学用身心语言程式学(NLP)去梳理股票… 2011-10-06 17:24 现代人还要不要理想---之---人间正… 2009-06-06 20:19 这个周末打了 …

4.神经语言程序学虽然神经语言程序学(NLP) 起步较晚,但因其效果显著,应用广泛,引起了许多医疗界、工商界及教育界精英的投入,因而其在 …


6.神经语言学在神经语言学NLP)刚创立的时候,有一个研究项目专门讨论“卓越表现以及个人主观感受是如何形成的”,理查德•班德勒和 …


1.Over the next few years, I studied with Dr. Bandler in London and New York and earned a license as a Master Practitioner of NLP.在接下来的几年里,我在伦敦和纽约与Bandler博士一起学习,并最终获得了NLP硕士学位。

2.No! NLP is not just about communication. A further study of these great therapists, it is how they think makes them a great communicator.不!NLP不是有关沟通.对这些伟大治疗师更深入的研究,那是他们如何思考,引致这样好的沟通。

3.NLP differs only in that we deliberately make up lies, in order to try to understand the subjective experience of a human being.NLP不同之处在于我们故意说谎来了解人类的主观经验。

4.To go fast, go alone; to go far, go together(NLP Quote). To feel relieved, do alone; to feel released, make it done.想走快,一人走,想走远,一起走(NLP语录)。想安心,自己做,想释放,授权做。

5.Anaphora resolution is a key step in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and a kernel task in many language engineering applications.指代消解处理是自然语言处理的关键环节,也是众多语言工程项目的核心任务。

6.As an advanced research field and an useful application area, NLP is becoming increasingly attractive in computer science.无论是作为一项科学前沿研究,还是一门应用学科,自然语言处理已引起人们越来越多的关注与重视。

7.Parsing is one of the important fundamental tasks of Natural Language Processing(NLP).句法分析是自然语言处理的一个重要的基础任务。

8.NLP and Self-Hypnosis have plenty of tools you can use today to help you get some control over your compulsive habit.和催眠有大量的技巧你能用来克服你的冲动习惯。

9.Conclusions: The serious opacity of refractive media, the damaged or detached retina and the choroids edema are the main causes of NLP.眼外伤后无光感的主要原因是严重的屈光间质混浊,视网膜破损,脱离及脉络膜水肿。

10.The representation and application of semantic knowledge is an important factor for Natural Language Processing (NLP).语义知识的表示和使用是自然语言处理的重要方面。