




1.可转让支付命令账户) 主要考察两个帐户:一是交易帐户,包括活期存款、可转让支付命令帐户NOWS)、货币市场存款帐户(MMDA)、自 …

4.机群系统不能称之 为储蓄存款,公款私存则被视为违法现象。 可转让支付凭证账户NOWS):开立这种账户的存户,可

6.时尚包包 ... OUTERS 进口皮带 NOWS 时尚包包 | NEW PRODUCT- 新品上市 ...

7.无等待状态 RESET 复位 NOWS 无等待状态 SMEMW 系统内存写 ...


1.Dynamic load balancing is an important factor to determine the performance of a NOWs (network of workstations).动态负载平衡问题是影响工作站网络并行计算性能的重要因素。

2.People can do a lot of nows to make the matter that does not arrive.人们可以做许多现在作不到的事。

3.Many NOWs are arranged as a swith-based network with irregular topology, which makes routing and deadlock avoidance quite comppcated.交换器之间连接的不规则性,使路由与死锁避免问题非常复杂。

4.Quick nows the time to ask for more tax cuts for the rich so they can invest more overseas.现在赶快要求消减富人的税收以使他们向海外投放更多的钱。

5.HAHAAHAH i've been waiting to stand on a " international stage" nows my chance. . . wa . . . so scary! !哈哈哈哈哈,我已经等着站上“国际舞台”了,现在正是我的机会…哇…好害怕!!

6.Nows not a good time as Im in the middle of something. How about we reconnect at X time?现在真不是个好时间,我正忙着呢。要不我们点再联系吧?

7.This paper presents a co-schedupng approach of NOWs based on processing power reservation.本文提出了一种基于处理能力预约的工作站机群协同调度方法。

8.The future is the cumulation of many " nows " .也是由「现在」累积而成。

9.Passion kept one fully in the present, so that time became a series of mutually exclusive ' nows . '激情让人充分拥有如今,所以时光变成一串互斥的现在。

10.Hey nows the time to be telpng嘿,我想现在就该告诉