


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor)核动力示范反应堆

英文单词:氮磷检测器(nitrogen phosphorus detector);德国国家民主党(Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands);新产品开发(new product development)


abbr.1.(=Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor)核动力示范反应堆

abbr.1.(=Nuclear Power Demonstration Reactor)

1.氮磷检测器(nitrogen phosphorus detector)采用氮磷检测器(NPD) 及多残留分析方法进行测定,回收率为80 .3 % —96 .3 % ,七星宝在节瓜及土壤中的半消减期分别为0 .9 —…

2.德国国家民主党(Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands)就像德国国家民主党NPD)对全球化后世界上的种种问题所提出的解决方案一样越俎代庖。·原地踏步:德国居民购买力与20 …

3.新产品开发(new product development)对新产品开发NPD)流程、工具和指标也进行了修改,以融合并管理功能安全要求。具体来说,产品定义阶段现在包括系统 …

4.新产品开发流程3、知识技能:熟悉新产品开发流程NPD)从市场需求,研发,工程实现,测试到生产全过程;掌握项目管理的专业知识和技 …


1.The game is still readily available in stores and Square is shipping to retailers, so we should see a strong showing in the March NPD data.该款游戏目前仍未出现缺货现象,而Square也正在向零售商不断配送中,因此我们应该可以看到在三月NPD数据中它场下的不俗数字。

2.The NPD performance would be better if IC design industry implements the employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) for project members.若IC设计产业对新产品开发专案成员实施员工入股计画,将有助于提升新产品开发绩效。

3.Marketing orientation is always critical NPD practice.市场定位总是关键技术训练。

4.The NPD team also provides all design information to allow the building of the plugs and moulds for parts required in manufacturing.新产品开发团队也提供所有的设计信息,以便进行生产所需的插头和零部件的建设。

5.It was the fifth consecutive monthly decline in the figures from the research group NPD.在NPD调查集团数据里,这已经是连续第五个月下降。

6.Meanwhile, the far-right NPD has labelled him a "plastic German" - an artificial, manufactured fake.与此同时,极右翼势力却称他为“塑料德国人”——人造的赝品。

7.The participation of marketing department should be encouraged and ensured in all the stages of the NPD process.的市场部门的参与应鼓励所有的阶段,NPD过程。

8.Familiar with food legislation, understand new product development procedure, have creative way of thinking in NPD.熟悉食品相关法规,理解新产品开发流程,具有灵活的创造性思维。

9.With NPD in gas chromatography and wide capillary column, phosphorus in surface water, waster water and mud was determined.应用气相谱仪氮磷检测器(NPD)大口径毛细管柱测定地面水、工业废水、底泥和鱼体试样中的黄磷。

10.We asked Harry Balzer, vice president of the NPD Group research firm, to look at 30 years of data on what Americans eat.我们请NPD集团调查公司副总裁哈里•鲍尔泽先生查阅了30年来有关美国人饮食的数据资料。
