


美式发音: [tɔr] 英式发音: [tɔː(r)]


英文单词:托尔;洋葱路由;洋葱头表层代理网络(The Onion Router)

复数:tors  同义词

n.peak,crag,outcrop,rock face



1.(尤指英格兰西南部的)突岩a small hill with rocks at the top, especially in parts of SW England

n.1.多岩石小山;【地】(特指英国 Dartmoor 的)突岩

n.1.a hill that has rocks on top of it

1.托尔岩(Colluvium)及火成岩组成,望夫山是称为突岩Tor)的花岗岩风化岩体,而望夫石原为一块巨石,其节理因受风化崩解 …

4.洋葱头表层代理网络(The Onion Router)cc.de/)供人下载,以方便用户链接到一个叫做「石山」(Tor)的计算机网络。

6.托(Torr)“”(Tor)来自凯尔特地方语言,意为岩石露头或小山。据说古时由海底山丘轮隆起形成岛屿,后来三面环海,一面与之相连 …


1.It is simple. As I have said, the Kirin Tor are already prepared to place the villages under strict quarantine.很简单,正如我所说的,肯瑞托已经准备了一个有着严格的检疫措施的隔离村庄

2.If it's convenient, you might also want to use it as a client for a while to make sure it's actually working.如果可以的话,你也许还应该将它作为客户端使用一段时间以确认Tor确实工作正常。

3.The official of his follower he ars he belongs tor at, collect a few gold, c a sting gives him gift of hold a birthday party into a mice.他属下的官员听说他属鼠,便凑了一些黄金,铸成一只老鼠送给他做寿礼。

4.Each Tor relay has an exit policy that specifies what sort of outbound connections are allowed or refused from that relay.每台Tor中继都有一套出口策略,规定了这台中继都允许或禁止哪些类型的外部连接。

5.Among the large number of books written on the subject, this book written by Danish journalist Tor Norretranders is a standout.在众多的关于这个话题的书中,这本由TorNorretranders写的最突出。

6.Activist groups like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recommend Tor as a mechanism for maintaining civil liberties online.电子前沿基金会(ElectronicFrontierFoundation,EFF)之类的社会活动团体建议将Tor作为维护公民在线自由的一种机制。

7.The 'twin tower' is called Frankfurter Tor and can be seen in the top left picture when magnified.那座「双子塔」名为法兰克福门,放大鸟瞰图(左上)后亦可见。

8.Nothing stirred over the vast expanse save a pair of ravens, which croaked loudly from a tor behind us.在广大的原野上,除了有一对大乌鸦在我们背后的岩岗上呱呱大叫之外,别无动静。

9.The TOR pathway, in turn, promotes protein production and inhibits the active destruction of parts of cells that are no longer needed.TOR路径反过来又会促进蛋白质的生产,抑制对细胞不再需要的部分的主动破坏。

10.I had bought everything on my shopping checklist. The nursery was ready tor use, and my husband and I were anxiously awaiting her arrival.我采购了所有购物清单上的物品,育儿室已经准备就绪,我和我的丈夫都紧张的等待着她的到来。