


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:逆转录(reverse transcription);逆转录酶(reverse transcriptase);射线探伤(radiographic testing)




1.逆转录(reverse transcription)原位逆转录(RT)反应体系: AMV逆转录酶1μL; 2×PCR Buffer25μL; MgCl2(25mmol/L) 10 μL; dNTP5 μL; RNA酶抑制剂1 μL; 随 …

2.逆转录酶(reverse transcriptase)如逆转录酶(RT)是RNA病 毒 复制所不可缺少的酶.只要能抑制RT的活性,就町以矾断病毒繁殖和其引起的病理损伤。 已有许 …

3.射线探伤(radiographic testing)射线探伤(RT):是检验焊缝内部缺陷的准确而可靠的方法。当射线透过焊件时,焊缝内的缺陷对射线的衰减和吸收能力与密实材 …

4.实时(real time)实时系统和垃圾收集实时RT)应用程序开发与通用应用程序开发的差异在于前者对部分运行时行为强加了时间限制。此类限 …

5.反转录通过反转录RT)-PCR,对经MSU晶体刺激后的RAW264.7鼠巨噬细胞,分析细胞因子诱导的SH2包含蛋白(CIS)和细胞因 …


1.At RT, there was no notable difference between the two groups at different levels of interference.在反应时上,不同水平的视觉干扰对两组儿童的影响程度无显著区别。

2.Of course we believe attribution to be very important (even if it's just in RT form), we just think it might be hard to police.当然我们都知道所有权的重要性(即使只是在RT形式出现),只是我们觉得这要执行起来太难了。

3.This type of application is often described as a soft RT application.这类应用程序通常被称为软RT应用程序。

4.Being a pivotal factor of RT, expectation of relevance(ER) has always been employed as a taken-for-granted concept and is scarcely studied.关联期待是关联理论中的一个决定性因素,长期以来却一直被作为不言自明的概念被使用,这方面的研究却鲜见。

5.Particularly if you are a media outlet who wants readers to retweet your stories, ask yourself: If I saw this, would I RT it?尤其是当你是一个媒体批发商,你想要读者重复推你的故事时,你得问一下自己:如果我看了这则消息,我会再推吗?

6.RT applications must be able to respond to real-world stimuli within deterministic time intervals.RT应用程序必须能够响应具有确定时间间隔的实际刺激。

7.The RTSJ requires that an implementation of the specification must provide a contiguous range of at least 28 priorities for RT threads.RTSJ要求规范的实现必须为RT线程提供至少28个连续的优先级。

8.Operation at a non-RT priority lets the operating system guarantee that the compiler will never interfere with the execution of a RT task.非RT优先级的操作使操作系统保证编译器不会干扰RT任务的执行。

9.JIT compilation can be used for softer RT scenarios where compilation can occur when no higher priority work needs to be done.JIT编译可用于软RT场景,其中编译将在不需要执行高优先级任务时发生。

10.After a predetermined time, the total RNA was isolated from cells and the differential mRNA expressions were evaluated by RT-PCR method.在预定的时间,总RNA分离细胞和基因表达的差异进行了评价用RT-PCR方法。