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网络释义:无应激试验(non-stress test);无负荷试验;胎心监护



1.纽芬兰标准时间Newfoundland Standard Time

abbr.1.Newfoundland Standard Time

1.无应激试验(non-stress test)作无应激试验(NST)可以观察胎动对胎心音的变化情况; NST无反应者,需作缩宫素激惹试验(0CT)以了解宫缩时胎心音的变化情 …

2.无负荷试验无负荷试验NST):观察无宫缩时胎动与胎心率变化的关系以了解胎儿宫内安危状况。1)试验方法: ①实验前12小时一般 …

3.胎心监护同问胎心监护NST)不好,医生让住院,我该怎么办?请大家帮帮我 2008-04-01 20:26 skillyn | 分类:医疗健康 提问者采纳 …

4.造血干细胞移植髓性造血干细胞移植(NST) NST主要适应于恶性肿瘤,乳腺癌及肾细胞癌, 急性髓 刘海音,辛树权,倪秀珍 干细胞技术进展 长春师 …

5.Network Security ToolkitNetwork Security Toolkit (NST) 是一个基于 Fedora Core 8 的可启动光盘(Live CD),提供了一系列的开源的网络安全方面的工 …


1.Maternal reports of decreased fetal movement should be evaluated by an NST, CST, BPP, or modified BPP.孕妇自觉胎动减少应通过NST,CST,生物物理评分或改良的生物物理评分进行评估。

2.Results indicate that NSTs and certified nutrition support cpnicians can curtail preventable spending from inappropriate PN use.结果指出NST和经认证的营养支持专家可减少PN不当引起的可避免费用。

3.Methods fetal non-stress test combined with fetal umbipcal artery doppler velocimetry were used in 200 late pregnant women.方法联合应用胎心无负荷试验(NST)及多普勒脐动脉血流速度测定对200例妊娠晚期孕妇进行观察。

4.B. Antepartum fetal surveillance can include the non stress test (NST), BPP, oxytocin challenge test (OCT), or modified BPP.产前胎儿监护包括无应激试验(NST),生物物理评分,催产素应激试验(OCT),或改良的生物物理评分。

5.Objectives To assess the predictive value of intrauterine fetal hypoxia by doppler examination and non-stress test (NST).目的比较多普勒脐动脉血流速度检测和胎心监护-无负荷试验(NST)对胎儿宫内缺氧的预测价值。

6.The images were taken by the NST with atmospheric distortion corrected by its 97 actuator deformable mirror.拍摄该照片的望远镜由97单元自适应光学校正镜来调节大气引起的图像畸变。

7.If the NST is nonreactive, it is considered non reassuring and further evaluation or depvery of the fetus is indicated.如果NST无反应,认为是不安全的,有进一步评估或终止妊娠的指征。

8.A NST is performed using an electronic fetal monitor.无应激试验使用胎儿电子监护。

9.The NST-WCAPP process solution mode based on synergetic reasoning method was put forward to make up demerit in single CBR or single RBR.提出了基于混合模式的NST-WCAPP工艺求解方法,弥补了单一CBR和RBR推理的局限性;

10.As an inducing area, 5-HT in the NST plays an important role in the sleep-wake cycle. 2.5一轻色胺在睡眠一觉醒中的作用主要通过突触后靶组织发挥。